RUSH: Joseph in Pittsburgh. I may not finish before the break, but, Joseph, how are you? Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.
CALLER: I’m awesome. I’m a first-time caller. Thank you for having my call. I just had heard some stuff on the news about Trump is only gonna be a first-term president, and I just wanted to say that everybody that I know — I work in the oil field, I’m also a veteran — everyone that I know and speak to as a core will vote for Trump again and still believe in what he’s doing. And I go to sleep at night and sleep really well knowing that he’s my president.
CALLER: No, I’m not worried. I think he has our best interests at heart and as a core I think that’s what it’s all about. The way it looks to the media and the way it’s presented to us is, you know, a completely different story.
RUSH: All right. Joseph, I appreciate it. It’s hard to sit here and, in a blanket fashion, say what most Trump voters are saying, but there are a lot of Trump voters who would applaud and echo what Joseph just said. They trust that whatever Trump is doing; it is in his interests not to sell us out.
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