Another Famous EIB Media Montage: “It Doesn’t Look Good”

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 3,2017

RUSH: Now, grab audio sound bite number one. Last week I made this observation.

RUSH ARCHIVE: I just want to give voice to it, and it is the way the Drive-Bys set the table every day no matter what. I call it the media hot take, which is the first reaction to any new bit of news. I’m gonna present this in non-chronological order just to illustrate the point. But when somebody discovered or learned or what have you, that Melania Trump hasn’t moved into the White House, “That doesn’t look good.” Mike Pence and his wife have rules about public appearances. “That’s not a normal look. That’s not a good look.” Trump has put a lot of highly successful businesspeople in his cabinet. “That doesn’t look good. That looks bad.”

Trump talked to businesses about keeping jobs in the U.S. before he was sworn in. “That looks bad.” Trump didn’t want to keep the Obama outdoor play set at the White House because there aren’t any little kids running around. “That certainly doesn’t look good for the children.” Ivanka Trump was photographed sitting at her father’s desk in the Oval Office. “That had to be wrong!” Trump tweets before sunrise. “That’s not normal.” Trump tweets that he believes he’s been illegally surveilled. “That doesn’t look good. That’s not right.” We get it. Whatever the story is — they set the stage before they even get into the opinion of the story by characterizing it as “That doesn’t look good.”

RUSH: Okay. So I did that basically off the top of my head, improv, it was just something that struck me the night before, the day before. So the crack team in Cookieville decided to find evidence of this, and, lo and behold, we have been able to put together another montage. We must have five or six of these montages. The first one was gravitas, Dick Cheney being chosen vice president for George W. Bush. We have lots of people in this montage, and this proves my observational skills and my point.

PHIL MATTINGLY: It just doesn’t look good. There’s no really other way to put it.

JASON CHAFFETZ: Well, it doesn’t look good.

STEPHEN HAYES: Certainly the process doesn’t look good.

ERIC SWALWELL: It doesn’t look good.

ROB SCHMITT: It just looks bad.

GERALDO RIVERA: It looks bad for the President. Very sloppy. Very heavy-handed.

LISA BOOTHE: (laughter) It sure doesn’t look good today.

JOSH ROGIN: It looks bad. It looks very bad.

JOHN KING: Again, uh, it looks bad.

MATTHEW ROSENBERG: We don’t know what they discussed, but this doesn’t look good.

DAGEN MCDOWELL: It is about the optics, and the way things look. It looks bad.

JIM WALSH: Like you, I am troubled by this, and I think it looks bad.

JUAN WILLIAMS: Obviously on the surface it just doesn’t look good.

EBONI WILLIAMS: It’s the appearance of impropriety. It just doesn’t look good.

JACKIE KUCINICH: It doesn’t look good. At the end of the day, that’s what we are faced with.

JACK KINGSTON: It doesn’t mean the game’s over but it doesn’t look good for the home team.

RUSH: There you have it, another montage uncovered by me and our observational skills.

And, by the way, our buddy Seton Motley, runs a website, is the first person to ever notice what we’ve done here. He has a website piece today in which he cites three or four of our montages as he does his own piece on media conformity. So I wanted to thank Mr. Motley for noticing and actually referencing it. So we’ll link to that at in addition to you finding it on your own.

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