Nunes Should Not Recuse
RUSH: Devin Nunes is refusing to recuse himself from the House Intelligence Committee. There's no way he should. There's no reason.
RUSH: Devin Nunes is refusing to recuse himself from the House Intelligence Committee. There's no way he should. There's no reason.
RUSH: What this woman did was unwittingly out the entire Obama administration's surveillance of the Trump transition team, Trump campaign. She went on TV and basically admitted it and explained how she was behind it, how she was involved in it.
RUSH: The name of the game is resistance. That’s how the Democrats keep their donations coming in. It’s how the DNC is gonna be reconstituted: Resistance, resistance, oppose. Hillary was out there talking about it in San Francisco in the black leather jacket. You think that was an accidental wardrobe choice? Ha. Hardly.
RUSH: Remember, Trump is not ideological. He's not seeing… The Freedom Caucus, what he sees, is a bunch of guys that voted against him.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: President Trump’s efforts to build the wall continue. The Department of Homeland Security is getting bids from lots of companies that want to help build it.
RUSH: The reason I like watching this show, it's written by David Kelley, who wrote Boston Legal and some other things. The reason that I like this show is because everybody's life on this show is an absolute mess. It is liberals writing about their lives… So when I hear that a model is running around with a video on YouTube or wherever, grabbing as many penises as she can just to get noticed? Hell, yeah! In this day and age, it makes perfect sense, folks.
RUSH: You can hate the cable companies all you want, but there's another player here in how much it all costs, and that's the providers — the content providers.
RUSH: I want to tell you how flattered I am, before I say anything, Rick calling from the truck in Cornelius, North Carolina, I was flattered beyond my ability to express it. Because, look, we have the House of Representatives. We have the Senate. We have Donald F-ing Trump in the White House, and still — well, his middle initial is — oh, it's J. That's right. Donald J. Just a little John Kerry lingo. We have Donald Trump in the White House, and still it's up to me.
RUSH: If NSA, CIA are targeting foreign actors, and that surveillance picks up Americans, such as Mike Flynn, Obama changed the rules to share the transcripts of that intel with his political people.
RUSH: I'm actually of the mind that the thing failing is gonna end up being the best thing that could have happened.
RUSH: You want to talk about violating the rule of law? You want to talk about threatening the legal system of the United States? That's all on the modern-day Democrat Party.
RUSH: Hillary Clinton has even come out of the cave. She went out to San Francisco. She's made a public appearance. You see she was wearing a leather jacket out there, a black leather jacket?
RUSH: The main thing that Trump rolled back is something the Supreme Court had already ruled to be unconstitutional. Obama was just denying it. He was defying them. Now, normally the Supreme Court’s worshiped by the left, but of course that’s subjective and the left ignored this Supreme Court ruling.
RUSH: Yesterday we talked about the Oakland Raiders moving to Las Vegas, and I shared with you some obvious things that are gonna happen with young, single athletes in the prime of physical condition
RUSH: I don't complain to anybody, about me. I mean, I might opine about things, circumstances, situations that bother me and so forth, but I don't do it from a whining standpoint, "Will you fix it?" I can't stand it.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: The Nebraska Democrat Party wants refugees. They're giving them gift baskets, diapers, kitchen utensils and voter registration forms.
RUSH: The left is gonna be even more insane, but it's a great day.
RUSH: When I worked in Sacramento one of the greatest all-time billboards in the history of billboards, KFBK Sacramento, 1530 AM, and the billboard was a picture of a car radio with push buttons and the AM dial. It was a close-up of the dial, and there was a hand with a finger moving to punch one of the buttons. And the billboard said, "Wouldn't you just love to punch Rush Limbaugh?"