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RUSH: On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared at the White House daily press briefing. He made an appeal to local governments to cooperate with federal immigration law. He also warned the Justice Department was serious about withholding federal money from cities that don’t play ball.

A couple of days later the liberals who run Seattle sent Jeff Sessions their answer in the form of a lawsuit. They claim that President Trump’s executive order violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution by making local governments enforce federal law. They also argue that it’s unconstitutional to “hold hostage” federal funds that aren’t related to immigration.

Now technically, there’s nothing to sue over because nothing has happened to Seattle yet because no federal money has been withheld yet. But Seattle is claiming that the mere threat of withholding money has damaged them because it makes it impossible for Seattle to come up with a budget for next year.

Now, look, federal immigration law is cut and dry. There’s no guesswork involved. Local governments are required to share information with federal officials about the immigration status of people they detain.

Over 80 percent of voters want immigration laws followed. But these liberals are determined to disobey them.

The good news is that this issue is coming to a head. And thanks to the Trump administration, the battle for the rule of law has been joined. Finally!

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