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RUSH: Okay, so last October, Donald Trump opened the Trump International Hotel in Washington near the White House. It was a grand old Post Office that had long been vacant. Trump signed a 60-year lease with the feds in 2013, and then spent more than a couple hundred million to turn the building into a luxury hotel.

Ever since he won the election, Democrats have been trying to turn that hotel into a political liability for Trump. They claim it’s “unconstitutional” for President Trump to have any connection with the hotel. Even after he divested himself of day-to-day involvement with his company, the Democrats continue to complain and whine and moan.

Last week, the Government Services Administration, the GSA which oversees federal properties, sent Donald Trump Junior a letter. It said the property is in full compliance with federal law because Trump Senior will receive no direct proceeds from it while he is POTUS.

The letter also said the deal has benefited the government. By the time the hotel opened, it had already generated over five million dollars in income to the government, which had been losing millions each year on the property.

Now that should be the end of the story, but it’s not because the Democrats are still fuming. Now they’re complaining that even though Trump won’t benefit from the deal while he’s president, he will after his term ends in 2024.

There’s no pleasing these people, ever, which is why it really is best to ignore them, folks. Life gets so much better when you do.

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