Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Ignore Them!
RUSH: Ever since he won the election, Democrats have been trying to turn that hotel into a political liability for Trump.
RUSH: Ever since he won the election, Democrats have been trying to turn that hotel into a political liability for Trump.
RUSH: Well, now, if this doesn't just take the cake. I was just watching Fox, the Fox News Channel. They had an interview with Steny Hoyer.
RUSH: For those wondering who I'm gonna blame, they'll have to wait 'til Monday. I might hide a little blurb on my website to give some indication.
RUSH: My friends, as you know, I am a powerful and influential member of the media, and I know people. And I can tell you that nobody I know has seen one shred of evidence that would support this, that Trump is sulking around the White House behind closed doors.
RUSH: I was gonna say, "I think some people have not done a good job of selling this." I think the right way to say this is, "A lot of people have done a very good job misrepresenting it."
RUSH: Trump is doing exactly what he said he was gonna do, as often as he can. He stormed into town and he's trying to take control and fix the functioning dysfunction of much of Washington, as much as he can. He's hated and reviled for doing it. It's not supposed to be possible.
RUSH: I came across a fascinating piece in the U.K. Daily Mail, an op-ed piece written by… I guess it's a reporter, maybe an op-ed writer in the U.K. named Katie Hopkins… Her basic point was these are no longer acts of extremism; this is what London has become.
RUSH: Not only was their surveillance of the Trump campaign, not only was there surveillance by the Obama administration on the Trump transition, the media knew about it and was using the information they were being given from this surveillance in order to embarrass, humiliate, rip, criticize, Trump and his upcoming administration.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.