
Rush Limbaugh

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Mother Tells Emotional Story of Injured Son Inspired by Rush

CALLER: One of the things that has happened as a result of this accident is he's lost the hearing in one of his ears, and we've been hoping and praying as he heals that it would come back, and we found out this week that he's not ever gonna hear again in that ear.

Cracks in the Anti-Trump Resistance

RUSH: There's a little, tiny stack that's starting to develop that's showing cracks in the so-called resistance to El Trumpo.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Rush on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace

RUSH: I know Donald Trump; he's a winner; he's committed; and he has intended all along to do what he thinks is necessary to save the country. So perceptions are what they are. Keep an open mind. We're only one month in, and he's got three years and 11 months to go, and his supporters have nowhere near gotten to the point where they're worried or want to abandon him.

Celebrate the Presidency with Rush Revere!

RUSH: This is the Presidents' Day weekend, and the most recent Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans book is Rush Revere and the Presidency. Folks, I have to be honest, I have to tell you, we hear from people, children all over this country, families who are encouraging me to mention the Rush Revere series more often than I do, and I probably should.

Most Limitations Are Self-Imposed

RUSH: Everything you do in life is up to you. Part of life is realizing you have much more potential and ability than you'd ever know, but it's up to you to face the fears and unleash that which really drives you.

Nobody in Media Understands Trump Better Than I Do

RUSH: As you know, the president cited me in an early-morning tweet today in the 7 a.m. hour thanking me for my characterization of his press conference yesterday, and by virtue of that, I think acknowledging that he is appreciative of the fact that I get it, that I understand who he is, where he is, where he came from, where he's going, how he survives, how he works.

The Flynn Situation Doesn’t Sit Right

RUSH: I don't know enough to even speculate possibilities. Could there be power struggles? Was there somebody in there that wants Flynn's job, somebody in there close to Trump that just didn't like Flynn?

It’s About Time! Tillerson Cleaning House at State

RUSH: Democrats do this constantly. They get rid of the people at the Pentagon. Bill Clinton came in and fired every U.S. attorney in 1993. So it's a long way around saying this is a good move and it's overdue.

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