Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Make Them Stop

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 24,2017

RUSH: An illegal immigrant from El Salvador, Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez (any other host can do that?), walked out of a New York jail — even though ICE had submitted an official detainer request to hold him for deportation.

The New York Post reports: city officials ignored the federal petition, because New York is a “sanctuary city.” Thanks to far-left idiot Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Velasquez had been in Rikers for disorderly conduct. “By his own admission,” Velasquez is a member of the violent street gang MS-13 according to Thomas Decker, ICE’s New York field director.

Thankfully, ICE found and arrested the illegal-immigrant gangster. After he was released back onto the streets, by the Democrats who run New York. Velasquez now faces deportation.

Things didn’t turn out so well in Denver. Police refused to honor ICE’s request to hold Ever Valles, a 19-year-old illegal immigrant, jailed for theft. Denver authorities let him walk. Weeks later, this clown robbed and murdered a man at a rail station, according to charges.

The Denver sheriff’s department is standing by their “sanctuary city” position. They claim it would have been “unconstitutional” to hold this guy in jail until ICE could pick him up.

The liberals who run these sanctuary cities are not sorry. No matter how many American citizens are beaten, robbed, raped, or murdered by known criminals, who are illegal immigrants. Liberals will keep releasing them. Until somebody makes them stop.

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