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RUSH: You know one of my all-time favorite TV shows returns tomorrow night. Major Crimes. I started watching this show when it was The Closer, and now it’s Major Crimes. I like everybody in this cast. G. W. Bailey, the curmudgeonly cop, the guy is hilarious. So I’m reading about the premiere episode tomorrow night and the creator of the show, what’s his name, Jeff — I should have noted it.

Anyway, the creator of the show said the new cast member is Camryn Manheim. She’s the new cast member. And he talks about how she called the show and said, “I want to be in the show, I love the show.” And he said, “Man, when Camryn calls, what do you do?” Well, I would love to be in this show!

So I’m telling the creator, “I would love to,” if that’s all it takes, to tell somebody that you want to, because this show, it’s in my top five. It really is.


RUSH: James Duff. James Duff is the creator of Major Crimes. Figured I don’t have a shot if I don’t get his name right. Had to get his name right.

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