Why the Hell Would We Want a Carbon Tax?

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 8,2017

RUSH: To me, it’s not really shock and surprise. I awoke today to an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal that actually was published late yesterday by James Baker and George Shultz advocating on behalf of the Republican establishment for a — (are you ready for it?) — dadelut, dadelut, dadelut — carbon tax! I said, “Wait a minute. Did I read this right? A carbon tax?

“I mean, Bill Clinton wanted carbon tax. Barack Hussein Obama wanted a carbon tax. What the hell do we want a carbon tax for?” And I read further. Oh, because we need to take action on climate. I said, “No!” And then in exchange for a 20% carbon tax, we will get rid of cumbersome environmental regulations. I read that there are certain oil companies in favor of this and certain oil companies opposed to this. But here you go. Here’s your Republican establishment. I mean, the senior members from years ago, been in it for decades, advocating a carbon tax.

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