Study: Fake News Did Not Impact Outcome of Election

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 3,2017

RUSH: A report today from Stanford University and New York University that says fake news did not affect the U.S. election, which means that all those mainstream media stories about how fake news affected the election were themselves fake news. Fake news did not affect the election. The fake news wasn’t believed by enough people. The fake news didn’t reach enough people.

The study says that the fake news that helped Trump outnumbered the fake news that helped Hillary, which must mean the study didn’t count the endless mainstream media articles and polls that claimed Hillary was a shoe-in.

You talk about fake news, those polls, I think one of the reasons the left is as discombobulated as it is, is the Drive-Bys. I think they believed everything the Drive-Bys told them. I think they believed everything that Nate Silver told them. I think they believed every poll that showed Hillary was gonna win in a landslide or by five points, they believed it. And then they believed the exit polls.

And then the real truth came and they weren’t prepared for it in any way. I mean, they never even held out the possibility that Trump could win. It wasn’t even a distant possibility in their vision. They just bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

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