Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 2,2016

“I know liberals better than liberals know themselves. They have no idea who I am. They are low-information voters! They don’t challenge themselves. They do not know about people who don’t think like they do. I do.”

“Washington is an interesting place, folks. It moves at a snail’s pace.  It exists in a mind-set of very little can actually get done. And because that’s the mind-set that very little can actually get done, very little of substance is literally tried.”

“I don’t think either party has any idea what’s headed their way. Their business is to remain mired in process. They call it deliberation, thoughtful, reasonable deliberation. Trump doesn’t know any of that. Trump is not a process guy. To him, process is delay. Process is obfuscation. Process is incompetence.”

“America never has existed in decline, and people do not want to be told that the country that they live in now is in decline and to live it, learn it, and love it. And so they rejected it.”

“Donald Trump gets things done. That’s all there is, getting things done, accomplishing objectives.”

“There’s nothing wrong with loving your country. There’s nothing wrong with caring about who gets into your country. There’s nothing wrong about wanting your country to be great. There’s nothing wrong with thinking that the country comes before the world.”

“For the record, ‘low-information voter’? I coined the term after the Obama election in 2008. TIME Magazine had an article saying most of the people that voted for Obama never followed the news. That’s when I created ‘low-information voter.’ They’re people that watch E! Entertainment and TMZ but they never, ever follow the news.”

“Oh, man! What a rally last night! And not just his rally. Trump’s appointment ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis is turning them mad… I don’t think either party has any idea what’s headed their way. Their business is to remain mired in process. They call it deliberation, thoughtful, reasonable deliberation. Trump doesn’t know any of that. Trump is not a process guy. To him, process is delay. Process is obfuscation. Process is incompetence.”

“This is a paraphrase of what Ann Althouse said, ‘If you’re in politics, and you don’t know what Rush Limbaugh’s talking about, then you are low-information.'”

“Part of the lefts denial is a supremacy or a superiority about themselves and I think they’re telling themselves in private, ‘Yeah, just wait ’til this guy gets here, we’ll show him. Ha-ha-ha, Trump may think he’s ruling the roost right now, Trump may be owning all the media, Trump may have all the momentum, but wait ’til he runs up against us and the way we do things.’ And I think they are gonna be bulldozed.”

“I’ve never, like some people are, been embarrassed to be in radio. I love radio! I think radio, done right, can have more influence and have a greater connection what people and be more deeply meaningful than another medium like TV, which is on all the time and you’re paying attention to it half the time.”

“The one thing the left still doesn’t understand about all this is how Trump connects with the people watching on TV and in the arena last night. He connects! That connection worries them.”

“Every Democrat from Hillary on down, racism was the defining characteristic to them of the Trump campaign, the defining characteristic of Trump, the defining characteristic of Trump supporters, the defining characteristic of Trump’s appeal. It is pathetic. It’s disgusting. But they do it all the time.” 

“You must understand something about the Clintons, and it’s true of Obama, and it’s true of most Democrats. They are always in campaign mode. Even after they win elections, they stay in campaign mode in terms of how they reach people.” 

“Throwing around the race card paralyzed legitimate criticism of the president of the United States because this is how they attacked anybody who criticized Obama. ‘Well, you’re just a pathetic racist. You’re just you’re just a white supremacist.’ And of course elected officials don’t want to be called that, so they don’t criticize.” 

“Make America great again, what does it mean? It means America’s in decline, it means there’s no excuse for that, it means there’s no reason we’re in decline. We’re in decline because of Democrat Party policy. We’re in decline because of mistakes that have been made by politicians on the Democrat side and it’s time to stop and it’s time to make America great again.” 

“The KKK was the military arm of the Democrat Party. The KKK has actually had a member elected, two members elected to government positions, one in the Senate, his name is Robert ‘Sheets’ Byrd, he’s a Democrat. The KKK was Democrats.” 

“The left in this country is not interested in unity. They profit from the division. They profit, politically, by being elected. They profit from victimization of people. The left cannot, in its heart, desire unity. Unity would kill them off.”     

“It’s a thrill and a delight to have you with us on the Rush Limbaugh program, where nothing unimportant is ever said. Meaning, I don’t just kill time here. Meaning, if you can’t possibly understand why I might be talking about something, it matters. It may not matter for couple weeks, because we’re on the cutting edge here. But no matter what, it matters.”