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“I’ve been looking at the election results in even greater detail, and I’m here to tell you that the defeat the Democrat Party suffered this election, and you add it to 2014 and the midterms in 2010, it’s even more devastating than I thought yesterday. It’s just massive how shellacked the Democrat Party is.”  

“We’re just gonna have steel ourselves here and the default reaction to any media story that has anything incredulously stupid, dumb, or negative about Trump is to not believe it, folks. That has to become our default position.” 

“The media’s doing everything they can to cast the Trump election as a mistake, as a temper tantrum, as an oddity, and it is anything but that. It is substantive. This was an ideological election.”  

“The New York Times has now come out and said that they essentially are going to be the voice of the opposition. They are once again throwing journalism aside, throwing it overboard in favor of being the loyal opposition.” 

“Trump knows that his presidency begins on January 20th, not before. He can name his cabinet, transition team, do some things in that nature, announce various intentions, but biding time here publicly and advancing the ball behind the scenes is the agenda, is what’s taking place here.”

“The media’s trying to spin this election as an accident, as a temper tantrum or whatever, but don’t fall for this. I want you people to be up. I want you to be happy. I want you to be confident. I want you to understand that you’re in the majority and you’re winning, and you never were in the minority.”

“There’s so many great things that have happened in this election. The whole donor class had it thrown back in their face. The professional political consultants class, they had it thrown right back in their faces.”

“If I could change anything, it would be a massive education about liberalism so we wouldn’t have to go through this ever again, because it ends up always being rejected. Woodrow Wilson was rejected. FDR after a while. LBJ. Some of them never even got a chance like McGovern. Jimmy Carter? It always ends up being rejected.”

“The way to achieve unity is not by reaching out to the protesters and saying, ‘What can we do to make you happier?’ The way to achieve unity here is to firmly and finally establish that we are a nation that is devoted — as our founding proclaimed — to liberty and freedom and the pursuit of happiness for everybody, and you are more than welcome to join us as we head back in that direction.”

“America, as far as liberals are concerned, doesn’t deserve to be great, it deserves to be in decline. That is the only way, in their view, that the grievance industry can get justice.”

“You look at the results, and in standard political measurements, it may not have been a landslide, but measured against expectations, it was. Not only was it a landslide, it was an earthquake, it was a tsunami, it was a shock.”

“This was an ideological election and it was the third such ideological election where liberalism was repudiated and sent packing. And by liberalism, I mean the policies of Obama that were rooted in the expansion and growth of government. That’s what was sent packing, and that is ideological.”

“Liberalism was rejected like never before, and this needs to be taught. There are people on the winning side, people who voted for Trump, who need to hear, it’s a teachable moment. It has to be done very carefully because most people are not, by nature, ideological.”

“More than half of the arrested anti-Trump protesters in Oregon did not vote. And that’s just Oregon. I’ll betcha more than half of a lot of them didn’t vote, meaning they’re not really ticked off. Even if they are fit to be tied, they didn’t vote, so shut up.”  

“Trump knows that his presidency begins on January 20th, not before. He can name his cabinet, announce various intentions, name his transition team, do some things in that nature. But biding time here publicly and advancing the ball behind the scenes is the agenda. That is what’s taking place here.”

“The media’s doing everything they can to cast the Trump election as a mistake, as a temper tantrum, as an oddity, and it is anything but that. It is substantive. This was an ideological election.”

“America, as far as liberals are concerned, doesn’t deserve to be great. It deserves to be in decline. That is the only way, in their view, that the grievance industry can get justice.”

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