
Rush Limbaugh

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“Hey, do you think Hillary’s podium will have handrails? It’s a wonder she hasn’t asked for ’em, handrails in there. Can you see that?”

“Why are the civil rights crowds and the Black Lives Matter groups and the people loyal to the Reverend Jackson, why aren’t they in Oklahoma? Why aren’t they raising hell in Oklahoma and why are they raising hell in North Carolina, where there isn’t a racial component? Oklahoma is in the Trump camp. There’s no reason to spend any time or money there. North Carolina, Hillary in trouble, they need the black turnout.” 

“Black Lives Matter and civil rights coalition, if you don’t think this is political, then you’ve got to learn how to see these things because everything the Democrat Party and the left are involved in becomes politicized and thus becomes corrupted.” 

“Donald Trump is great television, he just has it. Trump looks good on TV. You either have it or you don’t, and that’s why the people who have it earn a lot of money. It’s one of those genealogical things that some people have and most people don’t. Hillary doesn’t have it. She doesn’t command the screen. She doesn’t look intimidating, inviting, engaging.”

“Trump can do things that will cause people to question what they think they know about him. It happens to me all the time. You may not know this, but the Drive-Bys don’t like me, and the Democrats don’t, and they have lied and said really horrible, mean things about me for 28 years. And there are people who believe them. I mean, for a certain segment of the population that doesn’t listen to me, my reputation’s dirt. But then when those people meet me they genuinely are shocked.” 

“We are all the victims of a narrative that was created here, which is designed to make everybody think our country’s falling apart and the racial divide is unhealable and all this, and this whole thing’s manufactured. I don’t doubt the family’s upset, don’t misunderstand. But the proportion, the sense of proportion is way, way out of whack.” 

“The Clinton camp wanted these debates on Monday Night Football, hoping fewer would watch, just like they scheduled her debates with Crazy Bernie on Saturday nights during the Democrat primary. And fewer people did watch. But that’s not gonna be the case here.” 

“Mrs. Clinton is 5’4 in her flats. If she wears those little Nurse Ratched heels, she may get up to 5’4 and three-quarters or 5’5. Donald Trump is 6’2. Donald Trump is great television, just has it. Trump looks good on TV. And then everything he does on TV is an added bonus.”     

“You either have it or you don’t, and that’s why the people who have it earn a lot of money. It’s one of those genealogical things that some people have and most people don’t. Hillary doesn’t have it.”

“The one advantage Trump has that Hillary doesn’t have, he just does well on TV. He obviously relishes being on TV. He knows how to do TV, instinctively. He looks good on TV. He looks like he belongs there. Hillary’s stiff and she doesn’t have any of the natural accouterments that shine through on TV.”

“Apparently, the breaking news is that Senator Ted Cruz is expected to endorse Trump and that it could happen as early as today. This is going to set off I’d say some fireworks in the Never Trump sector, wouldn’t you think? If they turn on Cruz, who else do they have?  I don’t know. We’ll have to watch this one and remember whatever you hear about it, wait until my commentary on Monday to put it in complete and perfect focus for you.” 

“‘I ain’t no ways short.’ Maybe Trump could show up and offer Hillary some elevator shoes, ruby red slippers from the Wizard of Oz.” 

“I don’t have regrets, period. ‘Cause you can’t do anything about ’em. Everything that happens in your life the ends up playing a role in where you find yourself at present, everything. You can’t cherry pick things in your past.”

“Everybody that votes Democrat is complaining, especially minorities. They been voting Democrat for 50 years, they’ve got same complaints. Nothing gets improved, nothing gets done. And the Democrats keep telling ’em how bad it is.”

“The Drive-Bys setting it up so that when Hillary becomes the shrill Nurse Ratched she is, you’re not supposed to think it’s anything other than sexism because Hillary has to yell ’cause women have to yell to be heard over the noise and the racket created by men in the audience. All these candidates yell, but only when Hillary yells do they talk about it and call it out and make it sound like it’s shrill.” 

“The Democrat Party, the Clinton campaign assumed from the get-go that she’s president and all of this that they have to do right now is one of these necessary evils. This isn’t necessary to win.”

“There’s nothing about Hillary Clinton that makes you want to be part of what she’s doing unless you are a donor who wants a payback for all the money you’re giving.” 

“You may not know this, but the Drive-Bys don’t like me, and the Democrats don’t, and they have lied and said really horrible, mean things about me for 28 years. And there are people who believe them. I mean, for a certain segment of the population that don’t listen to me, my reputation’s dirt. But then when those people meet me they genuinely are shocked. ‘God, you’re actually a nice guy.'”

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