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RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites.  Here we are with Mrs. Clinton. This is the moment she emerged from her daughter’s emergency room — uh, her daughter’s apartment.  Well, it made me wonder if there’s an ER in there.  Folks, I’m not kidding.You don’t know what a tightrope it is walking this stuff.  Because it’s imperative that people, even people that shouldn’t have been like me, understand what’s going on here and accept what I’m saying.  This woman is not well.  She’s horribly sick.  She’s in terribly bad shape, and they’re trying to cover this up.  And it’s remarkable.  They tell us she’s got pneumonia and she’s hugging children, she’s breathing all over people, she’s subjecting them to this, it’s a contagious disease.  They tell us she’s had it since Friday, she’s hanging around everyone.

Barbra Streisand was at this fundraiser.  Barbra Streisand, I mean, the last thing she needs is a pneumonia.  And nobody’s talking about that.  So then she has the incident after looking very poorly.  She just did not look well at all at the 9/11 ceremony.  And then the seizure, whatever it is, happens going into the van, and an hour and a half later she emerges from Chelsea’s apartment looking entirely, entirely different.  This is the moment that it occurred.

REPORTER:  How you feeling, Secretary Clinton?

HILLARY:  Feeling great.  Feeling great.

REPORTER:  What happened?

HILLARY:  It’s a beautiful day in New York.

RUSH:  “How are you feeling, Secretary Clinton?  We hope you’re okay.  How you feeling?”  “Feeling great.”  “What happened, Mrs. Clinton?”  “It’s a beautiful day in New York.”  And she’s hugging the child, and the photos of her coming out, she looked much, much better. And she even looked thinner, younger. I’m telling you, there are a lot of women who are gonna want to know what’s possible in Chelsea’s apartment, what kind of magic goes on in there.  Let’s go back.

Last Tuesday.  This is Hillary on the campaign plane.  Reporter said, “Are you on any medications or anything like that?”

HILLARY:  I just upped my antihistamine load, try to break through it. As I said, it happens like twice a year. Happens in the spring with the pollen comes and it happens in the fall when the pollen goes, has me for a couple of days and then it disappears.

RUSH:  Yeah.  So it’s pollen, it’s allergies.  She’s allergic to Trump, she’s allergic to pollen, she’s allergic to stuff.  And then, no, no, come Sunday all that gets broomed, not operative anymore.  She has pneumonia.  Now, one of the press secretaries to the Clinton campaign said they’re gonna release some medical information later this week, not all of it, right, just some medical information. Gonna release some medical information this week and I guarantee you what they release is gonna be depend on what she does up until that release.

He’s Dr. Richard Besser.  This is Good Morning America today, Robin Roberts speaking with the chief health and medical editor for ABC News, Dr. Richard Besser about Hillary’s doctor saying she’s got pneumonia.  Stephanopoulos said, “The doctor is saying pneumonia. Some people are wondering, could it be something more serious than pneumonia?”

BESSER:  You hear the word “pneumonia,” people wonder what that even is.  Pneumonia is a lung infection.  It can be caused by bacteria, by viruses, by funguses, all kinds of things.  What I’d like to know is how was she examined, how did they make the diagnosis, did she have an x-ray, what kind of pneumonia.

RUSH:  What do you mean, what kind of pneumonia?  Well, there’s walking pneumonia.  Now, one thing this doctor didn’t tell you, pneumonia is fluid in the lungs.  That’s what kills you.  There are many ways that pneumonia can kill you.  One of them is fluid in the lungs.  Essentially you drown.  It’s not technically drowning, but your lungs are not meant for fluid, and there’s the infection aspect of it.

Have you ever known anybody with pneumonia?  You have?  You’ve had pneumonia.  You’ve had double pneumonia. You mean you had pneumonia twice or you had a double dose of it?  What do you mean by — (interruption) Okay.  Well, you tell me.  Were you able to go to something the equivalent of the 9/11 ceremony?  (interruption) You’re in a hospital with pneumonia?  For how much?  How long?  You’re in the hospital almost a week.  From the moment they diagnosed you?  You’re in the hospital, they put you in a hospital the moment you’re diagnosed?  The emergency room, they said you got pneumonia, they put you in the hospital?  Would not let you go home.  Right.

This is a lot of people’s experience with pneumonia.  And when you talk about elderly people, it is, look, folks, it’s fatal.  And Mrs. Clinton would be in that category of elderly.  Meaning it’s serious here, if this is what it is.  But it doesn’t look like it.  They’re treating it as like it’s the common cold.  Well, she got pneumonia, gonna sit around a couple days.

By the way, did they give you antihistamines for your pneumonia?  They wouldn’t touch with you antihistamines, right?  What did she say? Up my antihistamine load.  Unless the antihistamine’s got speed in it somehow like ephedrine or some such thing, I can’t think of — Okay, well, that’s the ABC doctor.  Here now is the ABC political correspondent, Jonathan Karl, also on Good Morning America with Stephanopoulos, who says, “Our poll shows that Trump supporters right now are much more enthusiastic than hers.”

That’s another thing.  Trump rallies are overflowing, and hers are not.  She had that appearance in Kansas City at the Baptist convention, and they had to put these dividers up to cordon off the room, to make it look much smaller than it actually was.  The choir was the biggest group that was there.  Trump’s rallies are just the exact opposite.  And of course the experts are saying, “Doesn’t mean anything. It’s anecdotal. You can’t compare energy and attendance at rallies to elections, to votes, you just can’t do it, it’s a mistake.”

Well, one thing you can do, you can make a correlation to energetic support.  And she just doesn’t have much.  The support that she’s got is because there’s a D next to her name.  And those people hate Republicans.  They hate Republicans; they hate Republicans winning.  So back to Stephanopoulos’ question for Jonathan Karl.  “So Trump’s supporters much more enthusiastic than hers.  Our poll also shows the honest and trustworthy numbers, historic lows for both candidates, 35% believe Hillary’s honest, 31% believe Trump is.  And she certainly didn’t help herself yesterday.”

KARL:  Not at all, George.  I mean, this is her biggest vulnerability as a presidential candidate.  If you cannot trust her about how she feels, what can you trust her about?  This was not simply a lack of transparency yesterday; this was borderline deception.  They said simply that she was overheated. They said that she was feeling fine, and you find out she had been diagnosed with pneumonia.

RUSH:  Good point.  First thing, yes, she was overheated, had to get out of there, overheated.  What?  It was only 82 degrees.  In fact, where she was it wasn’t even that.  What do you mean overheated?  Well, she might have been wearing a vest.  Well, that can overheat.  But they didn’t say that.  So it wasn’t until — I guarantee you, if that video hadn’t surfaced, if nobody had seen her have the seizure and then collapse and basically have to be thrown in that van, they would have never announced the pneumonia.  They would have stuck with, ah, she had to leave ’cause she’s overheated.

Then they had to find some other way to explain why she wasn’t going to California because the event did happen. She did have the seizure. She did have the collapse. They did have to throw her in the van, but if some random camera or phone, somebody with a phone hadn’t been there to record this, nobody would know it, and they would have gotten away with, “Yeah, just overheated.”  So he’s right.  He’s right.  The deception continues.

Here’s Tom Brokaw on Meet the Press yesterday morning.  F. Chuck Todd’s the host, said, “This is an unforeseen incident.  There appears to be nothing wrong, but…”

BROKAW:  We’re already seeing today the social media activity that is going on.  I think that she should go to a hospital and see a neurologist and get a clean report if it’s available to her.  This is not something that can be dealt with at her daughter’s apartment in the context of where we are.

RUSH:  Now, it’s interesting. In Brokaw’s day, that’s exactly right. In Brokaw’s day, you couldn’t. If something like this happened, exactly like I said: Get her to the hospital. But the people around her didn’t seem all that surprised by this.  They didn’t seem like it was anything out of the ordinary.  “Oh, it’s another seizure.  Oh, it’s another one? We’d better get her in van, make sure she doesn’t bump her head, whatever. Get her in there and drive. Go to Chelsea’s place, not the hospital.”

But anybody, like, in Brokaw’s generation — somebody 70-some-odd years old — this is a hospital event.  This is… If you have a seizure and a collapse like that, particularly if they’re a presidential candidate, you get ’em to the hospital. If there’s a history of things like the concussion and she’s on these blood thinners, you get her to the hospital.  They didn’t, and you know why.  There’s no way they’re gonna let video of that out.  There’s no way.  That’s why I’m asking: What do they have in that emergency room where her daughter lives?

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