“The narrative was going to be that Trump, who said, ‘The base has been sold out, vote for me,’ sold out the base on immigration. That is not what happened at that speech yesterday. Not at all. In fact, this was as muscular, as intense, and as stalwart and enforcement-first immigration policy speech as I think he could have given, and he gave it.” – Buck Sexton
Trump’s Speech Blows Everyone Away
“On immigration we know exactly where he stands and he made it very clear by going point by point through each major aspect of the immigration discussion.” – Buck Sexton
Amber Smith: Danger Close
“Danger Close is basically the untold story of how essential the Kiowa warrior helicopter was in combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan and how our contributions led to battlefield success in two theaters of operation on a daily basis.” – Amber Smith
Rebeccah Heinrichs: Iran Deal Dangers
“This is one of the Obama administration’s signature failures. The Iranians are cleaning our clocks. This is just another example of the administration lying to the American people in order to have this Iran deal.” – Rebeccah Heinrichs