In Obama’s “swan song” speech at the Democrat convention last week, he listed a number of achievements he wants as his legacy. He also ignored some things that any honest historian must include.
Here’s one that liberal historians will no doubt try to forget. So far, in the last year of Obama’s presidency, police fatalities have increased 78 percent over last year.
According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 32 officers have been killed in firearms-related fatalities. In Texas alone following the massacre in Dallas 13 have been killed. Another 7 were killed in Louisiana.
The president of the organization, Craig Floyd, expressed his concern over “the sharp uptick” of deaths. He told the Wall Street Journal that if this surge continues this will be the deadliest year for law enforcement in decades.
This took place just two weeks after Obama praised Black Lives Matters in Spain.
This dangerous climate is part of the Obama legacy. Like it or not. Can’t deny it.