Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 25,2016

“This is a week where I, your beloved host, really earn the money. ‘Cause this is torture to have to watch the Democrat National Convention, to have to pay close attention to it. You don’t have to. You can just listen to me each day to find out what happened and get the highlights on what to think.  But I gotta watch this.” 

“Despite the smiling and attempts to say everything’s okay and all is normal that you’re seeing from Democrats this week, they’re worried. They are panicked. Because Trump was supposed to be nowhere near Hillary. Trump was not supposed to be close, much less leading.”

“I knew the game was rigged against Crazy Bernie. I knew all this ’cause I know these people. I know the left. I know the Democrats. I know liberals. I know how they operate.”

“It’s funny now that the Democrats are running around now trying to blame this on the vast right-wing Putin conspiracy. You know, the important thing, they want us to believe, ‘Hey, it’s not what’s in these emails that matter. It’s who leaked ’em.'”

“I think you might be able to see this week the phony confidence that these Democrats are expressing on TV when they’re on panel shows or in their speeches. The bottom line is, they all know that there’s a whole bunch of Democrats out there that would prefer Bernie.”

“What’s in the emails, of course, not a factor. Remember here, the nature of the evidence counts not a whit when the Democrats are involved.” 

 “Journalists today are Democrat operatives that have bylines. They’re just deployed at newspapers and TV networks and websites, but they’re Democrat hacks. Their objective is to advance the Democrat Party agenda and to protect Democrats.”

“The Democrat Party, the left, has corrupted everything and politicized everything that it’s touched. And it has had as an objective to militarize all of these institutions and incorporate them into their drive to conquer America, which is what they are trying to do. They’re trying to conquer this country and take it over from the forces of America’s founding.”

“Democrats this week, they’re worried. They are panicked. Because Trump was supposed to be nowhere near Hillary. Trump was not supposed to be close, much less leading.”

“Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not a good person. She is a mean-spirited, vindictive partisan who is rude and crude and has only gotten away with all of those character traits because she’s a Democrat and because most of her hatred and extremism has been voiced about Republicans. This is not a nice woman.”

“In these WikiLeaks emails, we’ve got people at the DNC getting hold of F. Chuck Todd at NBC and saying, ‘Chuck, we’re not really pleased with the angle you’re taking. We’d like to see you moderate that maybe a little,’ and Chuck Todd dutifully conforms.”

“One of the badges of honor in broadcasting is being fired. If you haven’t been fired, you haven’t actually done anything. It’s strange.”

“I think you might be able to see this week the phony confidence that these Democrats are expressing on TV when they’re on panel shows or in their speeches. The bottom line is, they all know that there’s a whole bunch of Democrats out there that would prefer Bernie.”

“Democrats — in order to win elections, national elections — have to make people think that they are not who they are. They cannot run as progressives, liberal extremists. They have to run as centrists or maybe even with a touch of conservatism in national races.” 

“You want to talk about dark. You want to talk about scary. You want to talk about foreboding, the Democrat Party owns it, and you’re gonna see it on display at this convention.”

“The Democrat Party does nothing but rip this country to shreds and tell us we all must now participate in the new normal, which is a decline, a decline in standards of living, a decline in economic output, a decline in progressive technology, advancement. We just have to realize that we can’t be the superpower that we once were.”

“f you watch this convention, you’re gonna hear a never-ending parade of every wacko minority group you have ever heard of and then some, whining and moaning about how unfair and unjust, despite the fact they’re winning everything.”

“Democrats are pushing this climate change biz because that’s the single greatest power grab next up. They got all the power they wanted from Obamacare. The next big power grab is climate change. That’s globalist power. That’s massive tax increases on carbon. That is massive alteration of lifestyle. That’s anti-progress. That’s making everybody poorer.”

“The Democrats are succeeding in corrupting so much of our culture, and yet they’re not happy. This is a party that ought to be happy this week. They had two terms of Barack Hussein Obama. They got pretty much everything Obama wanted.”      

“Donald Trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years, and he was never once accused of being a racist until he decided to run against Democrats.”