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On the eve of the Democrat convention in Philadelphia, Bernie Sanders claimed Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz’s scalp.

Thanks to the WikiLeaks dump of hacked emails, Debbie BS could no longer hide the fact that the fix was in. Behind the scenes, the DNC had made sure from Day 1 that Hillary Clinton won the big primaries. They even plotted attacking Bernie Sanders for being a non-religious Jew. 

On Sunday afternoon, Debbie BS called Obama and resigned effective when their convention is over.

But the DNC hacked emails revealed a lot more than the Democrat Party’s favoritism to Hillary, which everybody suspected. Some DNC donors were shocked to learn they had been mocked and made fun of by the very party they supported. The ill-will produced by the emails led James Carville to say he’d rather Debbie BS didn’t even stay in Philadelphia for the convention.

But the drive-by media isn’t reporting much about the emails showing them in bed with the DNC. For instance, a Politico reporter showed an article he was working on to the DNC for comment before he showed it to his own editors. In another email, a journalist asks the DNC for story ideas. Others show reporters collaborating with DNC officials on hit pieces on Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

These leaks show a corrupt, dishonest Democrat Party aligned with an equally corrupt and dishonest mainstream media. Who better as their champion and leader than Hillary ‘Nurse Ratched’ Clinton?

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