Morning Update: Chicago Weekend

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 6,2016

The Fourth of July weekend was busy in Chicago. Especially for the cops and hospital emergency rooms.

At Navy Pier, residents enjoyed a big fireworks display. Meanwhile, in other parts of the city, people were being fired on. At least 64 were shot, including four who, sadly, won’t be celebrating anymore holidays at least on earth. Among the wounded were a 5-year-old girl and her 8-year old cousin who were shot while dangerously playing with sparklers.

Chicago police superintendent Eddie Johnson and Mayor Rahm Emanuel blame the endless violence on gang members and lax sentences that allow them back on the streets. Johnson says there are “too many guns,” and too many people willing to use them. Are those legally-owned guns he’s talking about? Nope.

The out-of-control violence in Obama’s hometown is a familiar story. Come Labor Day weekend, I bet we’ll hear another news report just like this, with similar numbers of dead and wounded.

Question. If the gangs are running the streets in many Chicago neighborhoods, who runs the city? Who, has allowed the gangs to flourish in Chicago? Hmm?

The fact is, these weekly death tolls in Chicago aren’t just happenstance. They are a byproduct of the liberal welfare state that Democrats spent the last century creating. But no matter how many lives are lost or ruined Democrats will never willingly abandon it.

So. Chicago residents? Next weekend duck and cover. Or just stay indoors. Every weekend, safest bet. 

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