Quick Hits Page

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 20,2016

We Haven’t Added Commercial Breaks

RUSH:  I’ve had some email complaints today from people who are asking, “Rush, it seems like there are more commercial breaks than ever before in your show.”  I’m fully aware that there could be things going on behind my back.  I checked into it, and I can tell you that we have not added any more commercial breaks, nor have we added any more time to each commercial break. 

Let me tell you what’s going on, folks.  This program is so compelling, you just don’t like it being interrupted.  That’s all it is.   Well, not all it is.  I mean, that’s what it is.  I’m actually flattered at the question, because it means that you think there’s an inordinate amount of interruptions which means you don’t want there to be, which is a testament to the compelling nature of the program. 

Iranian Cleric: Improperly Dressed Women Cause Climate Change

RUSH:  All kinds of stuff I didn’t get to today.  “Iranian Cleric: Improperly Dressed Women Cause Climate Change.”  That’s a militant Islamist in Iran.  And that just scratches the surface.  I’m gonna save all this stuff for tomorrow.