by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 14,2016

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While Omar Siddiqui Mateen was killing 49 people and injuring 53, he stopped to explain himself. He called 911, and told cops he had pledged allegiance to ISIS. Then he resumed his murderous terror attack.

The Washington Post reported that fact. They also reported his terror attack occurred during Ramadan, Islamic holy days. They reported the attack came during gay pride celebrations in many US cities. They even reported that Mr. Mateen’s family originally came from Afghanistan.

But even with all that information at their disposal, the Washington Post, was still lost, like the rest of their buddies in the Drive-By Media.

“It is not entirely clear what inspired Omar Mateen to commit the worst mass shooting in US history,” they said, “or what might have been done to stop it.”

Well, maybe there’s something Omar Mateen could have done differently to make his inspiration clear. What if, instead of calling the police, he had called the Washington Post and spoke to their reporters. Then he could have explained to them, in more detail, what “pledging allegiance to ISIS” means.

The terrorist could have told Post reporters that he wanted to kill as many “enemies of Islam” as he could. He could have explained that in Islam, this is called Jihad. A holy war. Against infidels. Non-believers.

Maybe then, the Washington Post might have been “clear” about what “inspired” the Islamic terrorist. But today they remain clueless, searching for a motive. 

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