Rush Golfs Where Men Can Be Men, Links It to Paglia’s Piece on Trump’s Lifestyle with the Ladies, and Political Blindness Like That Behind the Fakeb…

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2016

RUSH: I left out one of the golf courses we played over the weekend.I talked about Oakmont yesterday, but the day before we played Laurel Valley, which is near Ligonier, Latrobe, and Arnold Palmer. And he was there, Arnold Palmer was home, near Latrobe. That’s where we landed, flew into Latrobe and we played Laurel Valley on Monday, and it was great, too.

You know what’s great about Laurel Valley?  You can smoke anywhere.  You can have cigars in the locker room. You can have cigars in the dining room. You can have cigars in the men’s grill. You can have cigars in the toilet. You can have cigars in the putting green. You can have cigars on the golf course. You can have cigars on the range. You can smoke everywhere in that place.  That’s almost worth thinking of moving there. (interruption) Go back?  I’ve lost my battery here.  I can’t hear anything.  I can’t even hear myself here.  Let me turn it off and see if I can get it to come back on.  Three, two — there it is.  Well, just give me two more seconds here and — what did you say to me?  No, no, no.  It’s not men’s only.  It’s everybody.

You can smoke anywhere you want, and there are women employees all over the place.  I mean, when we got out of the van, that was one of the first things they told us.  “Gentlemen, this is a fun club.  This is for guys like you.  You can smoke cigars, cigarettes wherever you want.”  They gave us a list of things.  There were no “don’ts.”  It was all a bunch of dos, things you can’t do anywhere else anymore.  And they had just a great bunch of guys as caddies, and I played well on the back nine.

I was the horse in our group, meaning I carried everybody on the back nine.  On the front nine I was not so hot.  But the back nine I carried everybody.  But they were great at this place.  It was a wonderful two days.  Laurel Valley Club. I shouldn’t have said anything.  They’re gonna be set on now by a bunch of zealots.  But, no, it was a throwback.  Modern throwback.  It was just ultimate freedom at this place.  And everybody exercised proper decorum.  Don’t get the wrong idea about it.  It was just a really fun place to be.  It’s near Latrobe.  You know what, men could be men.

It’s like the New York Times.  Camille Paglia has a piece that she just posted at Salon.com.  It’s her take on the New York Times hit piece on Trump.  I think she synthesizes it down to its essence.  Did the New York Times really think they were gonna be able to damage Trump by portraying him as a New York millionaire who likes to hang around pretty women?  What kind of sophists dream up a story like that?

And then she has some comments about the two journalists that were assigned to do the story, way too young, not nearly enough life experience to understand the lifestyle of a guy like Trump.  They’ve grown up hating lifestyles like that, being told lifestyles like Trump’s are horrible and so forth. So they start out with their bias that’s etched in stone.

It’s kind of like this Fakebook thing.  Zuckerberg at Fakebook had the meeting with conservatives.  Chatsworth Osborne Jr. was one of them, he accepted the invitation and went out there.  I was not invited, folks. (interruption)  No.  No.  No.  Again, it’s what we talked about yesterday.  I think Zuckerberg, the people he invited — I would not have been invited to this.  I’m too famous to go, too big for something like this.  That’s not something that I could be invited to.  Never gonna happen.

The point is, I was watching Chatsworth Osborne Jr. talk about it, and he said that he or somebody else pointed out to Zuckerberg, “Do you have anybody that works here who is not born and raised in a left-wing cultural?  Because that’s why your algorithms are the way they are.  If you don’t have any conservatives working for you, there’s no way you can have a conservative algorithm.”

By the way, there’s no such thing as an algorithm that’s not biased.  An algorithm is nothing more than a computer program written by human beings.  And if a bunch of liberals are writing the algorithms, and if they don’t think they’re liberals, and if they don’t think they’re biased, and if they don’t think there’s anything particularly ideological about ’em, you have to understand a lot of people grow up liberal, that’s all they know.  That, to them, is normal.  That, to them, is what is.  And anything that’s not that is the circus act.  And so they grow up, they are normal, and there’s no reason they would include conservatism or whatever they think it is in their algorithms.

And Chatsworth pointed out to ’em that you’re never gonna get this algorithm stuff fixed until you get some people working here, until you get some diversity, some ideological diversity.  And he said that Zuckerberg agreed with that. He said that Zuckerberg is a little bothered that Fakebook has taken on such a political identity.  I know.  I know.  I hear things like that and it goes in one ear and out the other.  There’s no such thing as an apolitical liberal.  They are defined by it.  They’re governed by it.  Fakebook and Google may as well have offices in the White House, in the West Wing, they’re there that much.

Google has been working with Obama on who knows what for the entire seven and a half years.  There are more Google visits on the White House logs than anybody else.  And Fakebook is in there as well.  But, no, back to Camille Paglia and the New York Times story, she’s exactly right.  You have these two young reporters who have no appreciation or understanding.  They’ve been raised with and educated with and by resentment for success and achievement, and they have been taught the stigmas that their professors and others have attached to it. That successful people are boors, they’re cheats, they’re reprobates, they’re misogynists, all these things.

And so the New York Times story on Trump, that’s the starting point, that’s the foundation.  Trump is yuk!  Trump is ew!  And Camille Paglia correctly distills this down to they really thought they were going to damage Donald Trump by preparing a story detailing how a rich New York billionaire likes to hang around with attractive women.  Her point is that people who think that’s strange and people who think that is an indictment of somebody are so ill-equipped to write such a story unprepared and unable to do it, because that desire is common.

That’s why I said, when I read that story, I said most of Trump’s supporters are gonna applaud it and go, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, our guy on the case.”  They’re gonna be proud of it.  And I guarantee you when I said that yesterday, there’s a bunch of leftists in this audience, that made them seethe. I guarantee you it made ’em seethe.  “Anybody that could find anything redeemable in that story is beyond me.  He likes hanging around with beautiful women, he ogles beautiful women.”  Hey, you need to get with the real world.

The leftists have constructed this little cocoon.  They built this little cocoon they all live in, and now they call ’em safe spaces and wherever they have their little hideouts so they can be protected from points of view they don’t even hear.  Remember the story we had yesterday, Ben Shapiro goes out, I think was University of California, I don’t know. It’s not UCLA, but it’s one of the southern California colleges in the UC system.

He made a speech three months and the students who weren’t even at the speech have asked for therapy to deal with what he said that they didn’t even attend three months ago.  And the school has complied and has set up sessions and safe places for these kids to go who are trying to deal with what they think was said on their campus.

We’re raising some wusses.  And then they end up being hired by the New York Times and end up writing stories which they think are gonna destroy.  That was a hit piece.  That was a New York Times hit piece.  That piece was designed to really damage Trump.  They had no idea how it was gonna help him, and that was Camille Paglia’s point.


RUSH: This is James in Philadelphia.  Great to have you, sir.  Hello.

CALLER:  Rush, an honor.

RUSH:  Thank you, sir.

CALLER:  I’ve been listening to you since no OJ none of the time in ’94, ’95.

RUSH:  That’s right, that’s when it was.

CALLER:  By the way, I played Oakmont several times, and you played it without trees.  I don’t know if you played it when they had a full stack of oak trees throughout the course.

RUSH:  I did. I played it in 2007 when the trees were there.  It is entirely different.  It’s beautiful.  You can see everything on the golf course today.

CALLER:  You know, Nicklaus just declared it in Golf Digest magazine the second hardest course in the world and he puts Carnoustie in Scotland as the toughest he ever played in the world.  Just a fact that Oakmont, if you can play Oakmont, you can play anywhere.

RUSH:  Well, I played Carnoustie. It was 40-mile-an-hour winds, 40-yard chip shots were blown off line that day.  So, I mean, that’s how — it was fun, but it was a windswept day. But Oakmont, that’s true. I’ve played a number of US Open courses, and I have never hit the ball as well and been penalized for it anywhere like Oakmont.

CALLER:  Well, five miles from where I live in Cherry Hill is the greatest course they call in the world, Pine Valley, and that’s an excitement.

RUSH:  Pine Valley’s no slouch, either, but I’ve done well there. I’m not criticizing Oakmont.  I’ll give you one example.  I forget which hole it was.  But it’s a par 5.  Slight dog hill, slight downhill right.  There are bunkers on the right side that I could get past easily, so I do. .Take the driver out, and I hit one about 310, ’cause there was a following wind, it was downhill, and I’m in a bunker that I need a wedge to get out of, second shot a par 5 wedge hole. I hit the ball as well as I can hit it.  If I’d have had any course knowledge, I would have used a 3-wood, (unintelligible) bunkers, but they don’t look like I could hit ’em.  The caddie was out four caddying, so there was nobody to advise me.  Things like that were happening all day long.  It’s just brutal.  It’s all right in front of you, but it’s brutal.

CALLER:  Well, I’ll get to my point, fast Eddie Rendell.  I am from Philadelphia all my life, 63 years, and I live right across the river now, the Delaware river in Cherry Hill. And Eddie has always been in the news for one reason or another.  He was Philly’s DA, district attorney in the eighties.

RUSH:  Right.

CALLER:  He was mayor of Philadelphia —

RUSH:  Hang on.  All the golf talk and we’re out of time.  Just hang on here.  Stick to the issues crowd, you’ll be rewarded.  We’ll be back.


RUSH:  Back to James in Philadelphia.  Before you resume your Fast Eddie story, I just have to say, folks, I can’t imagine Johnny Miller, who, by the way, is a great guy.  I can’t imagine anybody shooting 63 on that golf course, and he did in 1973 to win the US Open.  I can’t believe it.  I don’t see how it is possible for anybody to do it, but he did.  Nobody’s got close to that since.

And I just hope television captures what that golf course really is when the US Open comes up.  With the trees gone it could.  It’s just one of the great, great places.  It’s so hard, you like it.  It’s so impossibly difficult, you don’t beat yourself up when you don’t do well there.  Okay.  James, you were talking here about Fast Eddie and you moved across the river to get away from him, I guess?

CALLER:  Well, I moved across the river, but I’m still within radio signal, and his exploits are just of tremendous renown.  I mean, Ed was district attorney for eight years. He was the mayor of Philadelphia for eight years in the 1990s, and he was governor from —

RUSH:  His ex-wife was some power broker Democrat judge honcho, too, right?

CALLER:  Yeah.  Here’s the situation.  Rendell and Bill Clinton are best buds.  In fact, I think Ed kind of is a little jealous of Bill’s way with women.  They became good buds, and Bill rewarded Ed for his friendship by putting Ed’s former wife, Midge, gave her a federal judgeship I guess in the 1990s.

RUSH:  That’s when it would have been.

CALLER:  Ed always had that relationship with Midge as Bill with Hillary.  They were around for social functions and when they needed to be seen together, but right after Ed finished off his governorship in 2010, the next month, I believe it was early 2011 there was an announcement he and Midge were being separated.  Ed wanted to move on to other exploits.

RUSH:  Younger flowers.

CALLER:  Yes, you could say that, too, yes.  And what it said was — and this was the classic Clintonesque — “They will remain good friends.”

RUSH:  Oh, yes.  Of course.

CALLER:  So Ed basically used his — how will I say it — he used his power and authority over women, and, you know, and basically his friendship with Bill Clinton enhanced his ability and he got his former wife a federal judgeship.

RUSH:  Right.  Okay, fine.  That’s standard operating procedure for politics.  And that, by the way, that kind of — what would you call that?  You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.  That’s common.  In fact, that kind of inside stuff that average, ordinary people cannot access, that’s part of what is going on in this campaign.  People have had enough of that stuff.  You know, that’s the kind of stuff, those kind of connections are exactly why members of the establishment will do everything they can to protect the establishment, and they’ll put the establishment before country, they’ll put it before party, precisely for that kind of opportunity and access, networking and whatever you have.


RUSH: Here’s Peter in Washington.  Great to have you, sir.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush, it’s awesome being here.  I’m a relatively new listener and a first-time caller.

RUSH:  Great to have you here.

CALLER:  If I would have known about those parodies in between, I would have called a lot sooner.  Anyway, I’ve worked a long time in IT, and I think that anybody claiming that it’s impossible to not have bias in an algorithm isn’t paying attention to a very basic fact, and that is that if Facebook were to maintain absolute counts of the words used in everybody’s post and then use that to build an index into what’s trending, they would have a very unbiased index.

RUSH:  Okay.  All right.  That would be a record of what people are researching, but an algorithm is something they sort of anticipating, don’t they?

CALLER:  Well, if you look at the newsfeed on the right if you’re logged into Fakebook, I think the intended inference is that this is what people are talking about most right now.

RUSH:  Right, right.  Hey, Peter? I misjudged. I thought I had a minute longer than I do.  Can I call you back? Get his phone number. I don’t have time to ask. I’ll talk to him tomorrow, Open Line Friday, ’cause I want to dig into this with somebody that knows about it.


RUSH:  Did Peter give you his number to call us? (interruption) Cool.  We’ll discuss algorithms and bias with an IT lifetime specialist, among other things.

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