RUSH: Sumi, is that how you pronounce it? Sumi in Orlando, as we head back to the phones. Welcome, great to have you here.
CALLER: Hi. That’s Sunny.
RUSH: Sunny, I’m sorry about that.
CALLER: Yeah. I’ll get straight to the point. Do you like pies?
RUSH: Do I like pie?
RUSH: You mean like the number pi or pies that you bake and eat?
CALLER: No, the kind you eat.
RUSH: Well, not really. I mean, I’m a cake and cookie guy, I guess, if I had to specify. Why? Don’t tell me that you make pies and you sell pies and you —
CALLER: No, not exactly, actually. I’m at an event in Orlando that I’ve been volunteering at the past few years. This year I’m competing in it.
RUSH: Oh. You are a pie maker and you’re in a —
RUSH: — pie contest?
CALLER: Yeah, in fact tomorrow it’s going to have a 200-pound pie for people to have.
RUSH: What kind of pie?
CALLER: Don’t know. It’s just a brief explanation on the brochure, but, yeah, something I’d really like to do over the last few years.
RUSH: Really? Well, how can I help? You’re in Orlando at the pie contest, and there’s been big 200-pound job coming up, how can I help?
CALLER: Oh, well, anyone who happens to be in Florida, this is a pretty worthwhile thing to go to. There are also classes, a learning center about pies, many people from like the Food Network are there.
RUSH: Really? It’s that big an event, the Food Network’s sending a crew?
CALLER: Well, a representative, at least.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: I think tonight’s prep night.
RUSH: Tonight’s prep night, and then tomorrow they’re baking. I’ve got just a few seconds. Where in Orlando is this pie convention?
CALLER: It’s Caribe Royale Resort. It’s just outside Walt Disney World.
RUSH: Disney World is Orlando, so basically —
CALLER: Sure, yeah.
RUSH: Well, that’s good. I’m sure we have pie aficionados driving around Florida, maybe monitoring people’s cell calls and want to take a break. I appreciate the call there.