John Kasich’s Messaging Emergency

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 23,2016

RUSH: Speaking of Governor Kasich, you know, there’s a… Oh, what would you call it? There’s a belief. It is an old philosophy, and it’s true. If you find yourself in any kind of a situation where you are having to explain something you did, or you’re having to explain something that you said, that you’re in bad shape.

You’re on defense. You’re not moving the ball, you’re not advancing the ball, if you’ve gotta stop to explain. Maybe you said something that wasn’t clear, and you have to take time to say it again, explain what you meant, what you really meant. Maybe you stepped in it. Maybe one of your opponents left a bag of dog manure right in front of you, and you happened to step in it. So you gotta stop and you’ve gotta do explain that. Well, Kasich may have done that because now he’s having to explain what he meant.

Grab audio sound bite 14. Kasich is having to explain what he meant when he said this in Fairfax, Virginia, yesterday.

KASICH: How did I get elected? We just got an army of people who — and many women who left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and to put — put yards signs up for me all the way back when, you know, things were different.

RUSH: He knew. He knew the moment the words came out of his mouth that he had to somehow fix this. So he was trying to make it sound like this happened way, way back in the old days when women were in the kitchen — and, if they did anything other than that, they had to leave the kitchen to do it. Now, actually that’s the 1950s, and Kasich wasn’t elected in the 1950s. So I’m sure a 911 call was placed to Frank Luntz. “Calling Frank Luntz! Calling Frank Luntz! Message emergency! Messaging emergency! Please return call now.”

“How did I get elected? Well, we just got an army of people. Many women left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and put yard signs up for me all the way back when, you know, when things were different.” So he caught himself there. Later in the day, he was at George Mason University, and he got a question from a woman who talked about that remark, saying, “I’ll come to support you, but I will not be coming out of the kitchen.” And Kasich said, “I gotcha, I
gotcha, I gotcha.” He knew that he had verbal faux pas there.

Where do you think that comes from? Seriously, where do you think…? (paraphrased) “Women left their kitchens to go out and put up yard signs. Not make phone calls, not join me on the stump, not come to my office. They left their kitchens to go hammer yard signs in lawns for me.” Snerdley, you’re an expert on that stuff. Where does that…? What mind-set is that? You need to help me out here. (interruption) “It’s in the deep, dark recesses of back in the era of the male chauvinist.” (interruption)

That’s right. “The era of the white male chauvinist,” which obviously is over. But somehow there are… (interruption) There are… (laughing) (interruption) That’s right, okay. (interruption) I didn’t say that, did I? Did I say…? Did I say “the era of white male chauvinist”? (interruption) Well, I didn’t mean just white. This is true for African-American brothers, too. I mean, even the Eskimos have learned this. The only place, probably, where it remains untouched would be Sharia Islam.

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