Liberals Only Condemn White Anger — Which They Blame on Talk Radio
RUSH: Jennifer Rubin, is a blogger, I think, at the Washington Post. She was on… I didn’t...Snarling Obama Issues Gun Fatwa
RUSH: Man, I’ll tell you, Obama is mad. I have not seen this kind of expression on the face of...Bill Clinton’s Rambling Return to the Trail
RUSH: Now, I mentioned Bill Clinton earlier. He made his first solo campaign appearance for...Caller: My Republican Friends and Relatives WonÂ’t Vote for Trump
RUSH: Here’s Sarah in Billings, Montana, Sarah, I’m glad you waited. Happy to welcome you to the...Trump Turns the War on Women Around on the Clintons — And Democrats Worry
RUSH: There’s a story here in the Washington Times by Kelly Riddell, and the headline is:...Terrorist Trump Video Emerges
RUSH: And we return back to this program back on December 22nd last year. You will remember that...Obama’s Final Year Will Shock You
RUSH: Let me take you back to this program November 23rd last year. RUSH ARCHIVE: We’re fast...What I Pondered While I Was Away
RUSH: I try to avoid getting too deep or heavy on this program, but I had a lot of free time over...The World According to Gore: Last Days
RUSH: I have been shocked (pleasantly so) to see some in the Drive-By Media recognize our Algore...24/7 Members: Stack of Stuff
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