Algore Countdown: Final Hours

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 26,2016

RUSH: So everybody’s asking me, “What’s gonna happen?” You know, we’ve been running the Gore countdown clock at RushLimbaugh.com for ten years. It happens tomorrow, January 27th. Algore said ten years ago that we had ten years to save the planet, that if we didn’t, that life on earth would be totally unlike it was ten years ago. And then guys like Larry David came along, “You know, Al, he’s a funny guy, but when he gets serious, you have to listen, ’cause Al’s telling us that if we don’t act on this, the earth is gonna become this giant skillet in ten years.”

Well, here we are ten years later, and nothing’s changed. It isn’t any hotter than it was. They’re having to make excuses for the heat that never happened by claiming the ocean ate it. Oh, yeah, the ocean ate the heat. It’s way down there at 700 feet below the surface. Well, 700 meters. So that would be almost a half a mile down there. That’s where all the heat is, and it’s gonna come bubbling up there. It’s gonna heat the saltwater, and the heat that the oceans ate is gonna heat up the saltwater, the saltwater is gonna flood and that’s how we’re gonna get the rising sea. This was in all of the pro-global warming, climate change analysis of last week.

So people say, “What are you gonna do when the Algore clock hits zero?” and that’s a surprise. We’re still working on that, folks. It’s one thing we never thought about ’til yesterday.

What do we do when the thing hits zero. We started this ten years ago, who thinks ten years down the road, other than we knew that Gore was full of it and that whatever he was saying wasn’t gonna happen, wasn’t gonna be true.