Anderson Cooper Exposed as Member of Clinton Group

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 13,2015

RUSH: Up first is Keith. It is great to have you with us today, sir, and hello.

CALLER: Rush, I haven’t heard anybody compare the location that the Democrat Socialist Party’s having their debate tonight to the Republicans. The last Republican debate was in the prestigious Ronald Reagan Library. Their debate is in sin city in the middle of a casino where they should feel comfortable lying, sin city, okay for them to lie —

RUSH: Where was the first Republican debate?

CALLER: I believe it was in a Fox studio or something, like a community center or something.

RUSH: It was in Cleveland. It was the home of the Republican convention.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: The upcoming Republican convention. Now, the reason the Democrats are in Vegas — I love your comparison. Here the Democrats are in sin city having their convention basically in a casino, but it’s also a union capital of the country. Las Vegas has unionized employees in practically every work endeavor in Las Vegas, and they have a lot of powerful union bosses in Las Vegas, and that is why they are there. I mean, in addition to whatever else, you know, why the DNC wanted to go there. I mean, it’s a week-long party at the Wynn and throughout the strip. I mean, I’m sure that there’s a lot going on out there this week just besides this debate and all that. But it’s an interesting observation, nevertheless.

CALLER: The only thing that would have made it better is if they would have got Brian Williams from MSNBC to moderate it.

RUSH: (laughing) Don’t make me. If you start making me laugh, I’m gonna start this congested cough routine. Drudge just posted something up here from the Weekly Standard, and I just had a chance to click on it right as the spot segment was ending, and it is that Anderson Cooper is a member of the Clinton Foundation, or the Clinton Global Initiative, which is a subset of the Bill and Hillary Clinton foundation. Actually, it says here that he is listed as a notable past member of the Clinton Global Initiative, along with Christiane Amanpour of CNN, Greta Van Susteren of Fox, Matt Lauer and Tom Brokaw of NBC, Thomas “Loopy” Friedman of the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, the Money Honey, Maria Bartiromo is also a notable past member, and then Katie Couric.

Let’s see. That’s it for the names. But even if you’re a notable past member of the Clinton Global Initiative, which, you know what that is, the Clinton Global Initiative takes place in New York at the same time United Nations General Assembly meets every October, and that’s ’cause there’s women from all over the world in town for that two-week stretch there. So the Clinton Global Initiative takes place in different venues than the UN, of course, but it takes place at the same time. And all of these journalists have been members.

So Anderson Cooper’s one of the debate moderators tonight. And the reason the Weekly Standard’s running a story is okay, here’s a notable past member, but he was a member in good standing of the Clinton Global Initiative, and here he is supposedly lined up to ask tough questions of Mrs. Clinton, who is half of the Clinton Global Initiative. Interesting point. Keith, I appreciate the call.

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