The Deflategate Case Is All About Power Aug 31, 2015RUSH: Here’s Marcia in Libby, Montana. It’s great to have you on the program, Marcia. Glad you...
How to Deal with a Flawed Professorette Aug 31, 2015RUSH: We have a Millennial student on the phones from Aurora, Illinois. It’s Harry. Harry, great...
FBI “A-Team” on Hillary’s E-mail Aug 31, 2015RUSH: Now, on the Democrat side, “An FBI ‘A-team’ is leading the ‘extremely...
Jeb Fundraisers Abandon Ship Aug 31, 2015RUSH: We spent some time on Trump, the polling data coming out of the Iowa, and the fact that...
Vice President Cheney and Liz Cheney on Their New Book, “Exceptional — Why the World Needs a Powerful America” Aug 31, 2015RUSH: Back we are, folks. Great to have you here, Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting...
Trump Calls Weiner a Perv, Media Outraged Aug 31, 2015RUSH: This is Sam in St. Simons Island in Georgia. It’s a beautiful place, too, by the way, folks....
Experts Astounded by Trump Polls Aug 31, 2015RUSH: Okay, a little detail here in Iowa. This is a Monmouth University telephone poll August 27th...
Who Foretold a President Kardashian? Aug 31, 2015RUSH: Okay, folks, I have to start with this because I foretold it. The Video Music Awards last...
10-Year-Old Loves Rush Revere, Family Guy (And Trump) Aug 28, 2015RUSH: This is Dominic. We have a 10-year-old from Lumberton, New Jersey, on the phones that’s held...
Peer Review Science Exposed as Fraud Aug 28, 2015RUSH: Now, folks, there are other things going on besides this, and I want to touch on a couple of...
Let’s Listen to the Best Hillary’s Got Aug 28, 2015RUSH: Here. Let’s listen to a little bit of Hillary here. We’ve got her from just a moment ago,...
GOP Elites Struggle to Comprehend Trump’s Appeal to the Base They Hate Aug 28, 2015RUSH: Here’s Dennis in Columbia, Missouri. Great to have you, sir, on Open Line Friday....
Caller: How Did It Really Feel to Go Deaf? Aug 28, 2015RUSH: Eric in Charlotte, North Carolina, you’re up first today, Open Line Friday. Great to have...
Everyone Knows She’s a Liar, But She’ll Be the Democrat Nominee Because There’s Nobody Else Aug 28, 2015RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, if you permit me a brief personal aside, here: Everybody is sending me...
Joe Biden’s Son Says Russian Agents Signed Him Up on Ashley Madison Aug 28, 2015RUSH: Have you all heard about Joe Biden’s son and Ashley Madison? You know what the Ashley...
Birthright Citizenship Isn’t in the Constitution Aug 27, 2015RUSH: There’s Dan in South Padre Island, Texas, back to the phones we go. Welcome, sir. Great to...
Jeb Bush Sides with Jorge Ramos Aug 27, 2015RUSH: Trump is doing an informal press thing right now, and I see it on, and without even...
Mark Levin’s New Book Is an Intellectual Tour de Force Aimed at Young Idealists Aug 27, 2015RUSH: My friend Mark Levin’s latest best-seller is out. It’s called Plunder and Deceit, and it is...
New Republic Libs Romanticize Stalin Aug 27, 2015RUSH: Folks, I saw something that I have to comment on. You know, this is outside the realm of the...
Is the GOP Establishment Learning Anything? Because They Should Be Aug 27, 2015RUSH: “Trump Telling GOP Brass He Will Forgo A Third-Party Run.” This according to...