Where’s the Media? Another Illegal Alien Arrested for Murder and Attempted Rape Jul 29, 2015RUSH: Okay, quickly. Cleveland. Michael, welcome. EIB Network. Great to have you, sir....
Trump Taps Into a Voter Bloc the GOP Needs to Win (Hint: It’s Not Latinos) Jul 29, 2015RUSH: No, no, no. I’ve not forgotten where I was in the Trump story about the Trump campaign. And...
Bob Kraft Feels Betrayed by the NFL Jul 29, 2015RUSH: I have another question, ladies and gentlemen. Tom Brady, quarterback, New England Patriots,...
Breaking News: The Dentist Who Killed Cecil the Lion Donated to Mitt Romney! Jul 29, 2015RUSH: Get this. Stop what you’re doing. I need you to listen the next 30 seconds. I don’t even...
Rolling Stone Compares Trump to Cosby, Doesn’t Mention the Clintons Jul 29, 2015RUSH: I’m looking at this Trump campaign. You know, every day, the Trump campaign… What’s...
We Cry Over the Death of Cecil the Lion, But Shrug Off Planned Parenthood? Jul 29, 2015RUSH: I have a simple question. I understand. I love Cecil the lion. I understand it. I understand...