They Do Exist: A Millennial Who’s Not a Democrat Jul 21, 2015RUSH: Here’s Brennan in Bakersfield. He’s been waiting for a long time, and I gotta get to him...
Wolf Blitzer Breaks News: Tennessee Gunman’s Motive Looks Like Terror Jul 21, 2015RUSH: Speaking of CNN, Wolf Blitzer with breaking news just moments ago on CNN. Are you ready?...
Trump Puts Pedal to the Metal, Runs Over Lindsey Graham Jul 21, 2015RUSH: Grab sound bite 22. Donald Trump not letting up. Pedal still to the metal. This is still in...
John Kerry Is Very Disturbed Jul 21, 2015RUSH: John Kerry. Folks, this is simply stunning. Here is the Iran Stack today. The first story:...
The Drive-Bys Missed My Point on Trump Jul 21, 2015RUSH: So I’m reading and I start getting e-mails and text messages, saying, “They’re talking...
The Second Planned Parenthood Video Is Just as Sick and Depraved as the First Jul 21, 2015RUSH: Now we’ve got another video from Planned Parenthood, which we told you was coming. Last week...
Obama Dragged Kicking and Screaming to Lower White House Flag in Honor of Chattanooga Terror Victims Jul 21, 2015RUSH: So Obama’s doing damage control in Pittsburgh. He just finished. He’s addressing the —...