Lifelong Democrat Finds EIB

by Rush Limbaugh - May 15,2015

RUSH: It’s Open Line Friday. We always try to get a call in in the first hour, and we’re gonna do it. We’re gonna go to Stockton, California. This is Sonia. Great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hello! It’s a very, very big privilege for me to talk to you, sir. I was just compelled to call and tell you that I grew up in the FDR era in a Democratic family. When I left, I stayed a Democrat, of course, as did all my siblings.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Sonia, you don’t sound old enough —

CALLER: Well, thank you.

RUSH: — to have been growing up during the FDR era.

CALLER: Yeah, it doesn’t match the rest of my body, I know. But, um…

RUSH: (laughing) All right.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: We’ll start pondering that.

CALLER: That’s what everybody tells me. But, anyway, I used to listen to you here. I heard you when you were in Sacramento, and then when you went back East I heard you in Florida or wherever you want. I heard you a few more times; then I stopped listening. Two-and-a-half years ago I was bombarded with your radio program every morning by my son who I was sharing rent with at the time. My children were Democratic but then they switched also.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Of course, then they got after me all the time. But he bombarded me, and I heard you but I wasn’t listening, and then because I just had to hear it — it was there every morning — I started listening. It was you in the morning and Fox News in the afternoon. Every day.

RUSH: I’ve heard this from a lot of people. It was there, it was on, but you thought you knew that I was this mean-spirited, rotten guy ’cause that’s what the media told you. So it’s on, and you hear it, and you never listen, and then something happened. You could not avoid it. You ended up having to listen to it, and you were shocked and you were stunned — happily so — because you found out it was an oasis and it was actually what you’ve always believed. You just didn’t know it ’til I came along and helped you to understand it. We hear this from millions of people.