Headline: “Bill Clinton Plugs Kay Hagan”

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 3,2014

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RUSH: How about this headline: “Bill Clinton Plugs Kay Hagan in N.C.” And she was wearing a blue dress. I saw a picture of this. Can you imagine? This is The Politico. “Bill Clinton Plugs Kay Hagan in N.C.” You can take that headline any number of ways. “Former President Bill Clinton joined some of the biggest Democratic names in North Carolina to fire up a crowd of supporters,” which, by the way, Obama can’t do anymore. I mean, he went to Philadelphia to endorse some shoe-in Democrat. Half the place was empty. They had to tarp over the seats to make it look like it was a sellout, and they couldn’t even do that. I mean, it was embarrassing. The place was half full, President of the United States.

Anyway, “Clinton — along with former Gov. Jim Hunt, the longest serving governor of the state, and Reps. David Price and G.K. Butterfield — hailed Hagan,” while plugging her, “as the choice for working families, women and minorities,” with whom she’s got absolutely nothing in common. “The former president name-checked issues like education, equal pay for women, voting rights, the influx of money in politics,” all of which they are responsible for, “and the minimum wage to loud cheers from the crowd of about 1,300 — some dressed in Halloween costumes — at a high school gym in Raleigh.”

So 1,300 on hand to see Bill Clinton plug Kay Hagan.

You should have seen some of these costumes. There were a couple of people there, they put balloons on their heads and went as — well, I mean, what do you put a condom on? (laughing) Bill Clinton plugging Kay Hagan. Got a bunch of guys with balloons on their heads in North Carolina.

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