Did Frieden Step in an Amnesty Trap? Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Let me check. I just got… Ooh, this could be interesting, too. Let me put this aside....
“Clipboard Guy” Identified as “Protocol Supervisor” Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Have you seen the picture of the nurse getting on the G3, the military color, the gray G3....
Caller: Why the Ebola Vaccine Will Take Time Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Jim in San Antonio, Texas, great to have you, sir. You’re next on the EIB Network....
The Regime Insults Ebola Nurse Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Here’s Jamie in Trenton, Michigan. Hi, Jamie, welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you....
See, I Told You So: Voters are Fed Up with Democrats, But They’re Not Becoming Republicans Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Now, this is the most amazing thing that I have next. It’s a See, I Told You So. I will...
Our Aim Is Not to Cause Panic, Shep Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Now, I want to explain something at this point to those of you who are new. I try constantly...
Congratulations to the Kansas City Royals Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Please indulge me on this. This is somewhat personal to me. The Kansas City Royals, how...
The Strange Logic of Dr. Thomas Frieden: You Can Give Ebola on a Bus, But You Can’t Get It on a Bus Oct 16, 2014RUSH: Do you know, folks, that you can transmit Ebola on a bus but you can’t get it on a bus? Have...
You Gotta Be Kidding Me! We’re Sending the National Guard to Liberia? Oct 16, 2014RUSH: You gotta be kidding me. We’re gonna send — (interruption) You gotta be kidding me....