WaPo: No Florida Hurricanes is Bad News

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 8,2014

RUSH: This is just classic here, folks. You know, there has not been, in Florida, a major hurricane in 3,270 days. Divide that by 365 and you’ll get the number of years that there has not been a major hurricane in Florida. Remember after Hurricane Katrina, Algore and the global warming/climate change crowd said, “This is it! That’s the end of it.

“Now we’re gonna have Katrinas 15 times a year. It’s gonna destroy the Florida coastline and any coastline that comes in contact with!” And there hasn’t been a single hurricane. We’ve gone 3,270 days without a hurricane. That’s nearly nine years, folks, and by far the longest stretch on record. The next longest streak is five seasons, 1980 to 1984 without a hurricane in Florida.

Now, you would think this is great news, because hurricanes have been presented to us as major destructive elements. “Hurricane Katrina could come along and wipe out whole communities; wipe out billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars in property!” But, no, you see, you don’t understand journalism if that’s your take. Do you know now what the problem is? Well, here’s the headline.

It’s in the Washington Post: “Why Florida’s Record-Setting Hurricane Drought Portends Danger.” Now, just stop and think for a minute. I want you to pretend you’re reading this with me. You don’t know anything else. You don’t know what’s coming in the story because you haven’t read it. So I want you to think: What in the world could be ‘the danger’ in no hurricanes in nine years. (Gasp!)

I mean, nine years ago, they were warning us of the danger of more and more destructive hurricanes. There haven’t been any, and now that portends danger. What could it be, folks? Any ideas off the top of your head? What could the danger be from no hurricanes in Florida for nine years? (interruption) H.R. says, “Well, that just means we’re gonna get a really, really, really, really bad, like, category 8 hurricane to make up for all these years.”

No. No, not drought. (interruption) That’s it. The broadcast engineer says, “The big danger is complacency.” Nine years without a hurricane, and the population is booming in Florida and construction near the coastline is booming in Florida. Well, the economy is not booming, but the population’s growing, and there is more building going on along the coastline. Here, let me read it to you from the story itself.

“Meanwhile, the Sunshine State’s population and development have boomed,” and that’s bad. “Florida is long overdue for a destructive hurricane and has never had so many people and so much property in the way.” Oh, my God, I can barely deal with it, it’s so scary! “This dangerous state of affairs is compounded by the potential for complacency and lack of recent experience.

“When hurricanes don’t strike over such a long period of time, some people may be lulled into a false sense of security and forget how horrible hurricanes can be,” and then forget how to deal with one. Now, see, these global warming hoaxers constantly claim that the storms have gotten more and more destructive, get bigger and bigger and bigger, more and more frequent because of climate change.

The real truth is inadvertently admitted in this article.

The storms aren’t more destructive. They do more expensive damage because inflation and this kind of thing, but this is Journalism 101. You have to create a crisis. You have to create chaos. You have to create fear. There are no hurricanes hitting Florida in nine years — and I guarantee you the people of Florida, if they’re conscious of it, are thankful!

But now the people of Florida being told, “Ah, ah, ah, ah! You should stay scared. You should stay prepared. You should be very, very worried because you don’t know anymore how to deal with one. You have forgotten how bad they can be.” This is pathetic, and it’s classic. It’s typical of what journalism has become.

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