Thomas Eric Duncan: Amnesty Martyr? Oct 8, 2014RUSH: I checked the e-mail during the break, and somebody said, “What do you mean, pay...
Democrats Shun the First Black President Oct 8, 2014RUSH: So where are we with all the other things that are happening? Well, we’ve explored a little...
New Website! Oct 8, 2014RUSH: Hey, folks, I forgot to mention something in all of the hoopla about the announcement of...
Panetta Trashes Obama, the Regime Trashes Panetta — and Just About Everyone Thinks Obama Is a Failure (Six Years Late) Oct 8, 2014RUSH: Now, let me go back to not too distant a time. The president of the United States, when...
The Race-Baiters Descend on Dallas Oct 8, 2014RUSH: You may have heard the terrible news here that Thomas Duncan, the Ebola patient from...
WaPo: No Florida Hurricanes is Bad News Oct 8, 2014RUSH: This is just classic here, folks. You know, there has not been, in Florida, a major...
It’s the Third Rush Revere Book: Rush Revere and the American Revolution Available for Pre-Order! Oct 8, 2014RUSH: So happy to be with you today, folks. I’ve been looking forward to the day for quite a...