Stay Dedicated to Your Desires Sep 29, 2014RUSH: Here is Debbie in Colorado Springs. Great to have you on the program. I’m really glad you...
Borderline Millennial on Victimology and Redemption Sep 29, 2014RUSH: Here’s Pam in Homer, Alaska, as we head back to the phones. Thank you for calling. Great to...
Democrat Confusion: Obama Says the Economy is Great, But Bill Clinton Says It Isn’t Sep 29, 2014RUSH: The Clinton Global Initiative is timed to occur the same week in New York as the United...
Where’s the Outrage? US Airstrikes on ISIS Have Had “Very Little Impact” and are Causing Civilian Casualties Sep 29, 2014RUSH: This morning on CBS This Morning. Holly Williams is the foreign correspondent for CBS News,...
I Told You the Khorasan Group DoesnÂ’t Exist Sep 29, 2014RUSH: I read a piece by Andy McCarthy, writes at National Review Online, the headline: “The...
Drive-Bys Ridicule the Obama-Kroft Show Sep 29, 2014RUSH: Folks, it’s funny the number of people making fun of Obama on 60 Minutes last night. Ron...