A Call from an NFL Wife (and Her Husband) Sep 17, 2014RUSH: Okay, here is Jane in Portland, Oregon. Jane, I’m glad you waited. You’re next. It’s great...
And Tim Tebow was Bad for the Game? Sep 17, 2014RUSH: This is Scott in Little Rock in Arkansas. Scott, thank you for waiting. Great to have you....
NFL Crime Rate is Less Than Half That of the General Population Sep 17, 2014RUSH: I mentioned earlier in the program a bunch of different stories here on the statistical...
The Myth of the Syrian “Moderate” Sep 17, 2014RUSH: Ken in Livonia, Michigan. Welcome, sir. Glad you waited, and great to have you here. CALLER:...
Aren’t Most NFL Players Democrats? Sep 17, 2014RUSH: Look, I know that it’s probably not a hundred percent, but all of these people in the NFL, I...
The NFL Collides with the PC Media Culture Sep 17, 2014RUSH: The NFL. It didn’t take long, folks. It didn’t take long. Right here my formerly...
Obama ISIS Soap Opera is Just Poll-Driven Politics Sep 17, 2014RUSH: Now we’re back to normal. The president making a speech at 12 noon. And why is the president...
Advice for Downloading iOS 8 Sep 17, 2014RUSH: I don’t mind admitting this is the time of year that I end up feeling like I did when I was...