Atlanta Hawks Owner Self-Reports His Racism Sep 8, 2014RUSH: Here’s Roger in Seattle as we head back to the phones. Roger, I meant to get into this today...
The Limbaugh Take on Celeb Photo Hacks Sep 8, 2014RUSH: I got something wrong when I told you earlier today, when I started the program, that I paid...
Mysterious Virus Hits Kids in Midwest; Obama Won’t Tell Us Where Illegal Alien Kids Were Sent Sep 8, 2014RUSH: Now, moving on to this “Bizarre lung virus hospitalizing hundreds of kids across the...
Satellite Images Prove Algore’s Melting Ice Cap Prediction Wrong Sep 8, 2014RUSH: John Kerry at this special ceremony last Wednesday in Washington said that the Bible...
Obama Can’t Feel Your Pain Sep 8, 2014RUSH: Obama says he doesn’t get the “theater” of being president. Do you know what...
Why is Everyone So Worried About What the Kids Think? Sep 8, 2014RUSH: You know, another thing I heard while I was gone: “Hey, Rush, you know, this global...
Lurch: The Bible Tells Us to Save Muslim Countries from Global Warming Sep 8, 2014RUSH: We’ve got Lurch, John Kerry. I just learned this this morning, folks. Grab audio sound bite...
Obama Punted Amnesty Because He Couldn’t Blame It on Republicans Before the Election Sep 8, 2014RUSH: We’ll get to immigration. See, I Told You So! Big! I told you Obama wasn’t going to do it. I...