Explaining the Expectations Gap Aug 27, 2014RUSH: I got a bunch of e-mails during the top-of-the-hour break about the point that I made that I...
Should ESPN Suspend Itself? Aug 27, 2014RUSH: Should ESPN suspend itself? ESPN has evolved into a company that habitually suspends its...
We Must Artfully and Passionately Explain the Benefits of Lower Taxes to Low-Information Voters Aug 27, 2014RUSH: Speaking of Florida, here’s Dillon, who is calling from Lakeland. Great to have you, sir....
Don Lemon Defends Sexy Ferguson Audio Aug 27, 2014RUSH: So yesterday we were sitting here, and I was watching CNN in the morning and they were...
Can Anybody Find the GOP Campaign? Aug 27, 2014RUSH: There was a story — I intended to already be into my media Stack here ’cause it’s...
The Obama Agenda Never Goes on Vacation Aug 27, 2014RUSH: There’s a little headline on Drudge. It’s actually a link to a New York Times story, and...
Democrats and the Their Media Mythmakers Hijacked the Brown Family Tragedy for the November Election Aug 26, 2014RUSH: To Sherman, Maine. This is Bill. Glad you called, sir. It’s nice to have you on the program....
Obama Lied, IRS E-Mails Didn’t Die Aug 26, 2014RUSH: This is The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, Shannon Bream was filling in talking with...
Pain is Part of Obama’s Plan Aug 26, 2014RUSH: Sal in San Diego. I’m glad you waited, sir. You’re next on the Rush Limbaugh program....
Richard Sherman Says the NFL Changed Rules to Boost Fantasy Football Aug 26, 2014RUSH: Sunday Night Football on NBC during the halftime break, the reporter, Josh Elliott, who is...
CNN Runs Wild with Alleged Shooting Audio Aug 26, 2014RUSH: I mentioned in the previous busy broadcast hour that out of the blue a forensic audiologist...
Stop the Tape! Marc Lamont Hill Exposes the Fraudulent Relationship Between the Clintons and Black America Aug 26, 2014RUSH: As I noted yesterday, speaking of the — oh, folks. Folks! How could I have failed to...
Don’t Doubt Me: Obama Hasn’t Checked Out Aug 26, 2014RUSH: I think, ladies and gentlemen, I might have started something, because I’m holding here in...
Understanding the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Aug 25, 2014RUSH: The other day I got a video, somebody sent me a video in the e-mail, he said, “Rush,...
Obama Almost Allied with ISIS Against Assad in Syria Aug 25, 2014RUSH: I happen to have here in today’s audio sound bite roster an example of something I just...
Words Mean Things — and Liberals Bastardize Them Aug 25, 2014RUSH: Jim in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Great to have you, sir, on the program. Hello. CALLER:...
The NFL Story of the Weekend Aug 25, 2014RUSH: There was one story in the NFL over the weekend. There were a lot of games. It was Week...
Is This America, Ms. Ifill? Aug 25, 2014RUSH: So Gwen Ifill on Meet the Press yesterday said people are looking at what happened in...
The Strategically Disconnected Obama Aug 25, 2014RUSH: A lot of conversation now, and even last week, remember the videotape that you could watch...