PGA Awards Notorious Golf Cheat

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 7,2014

RUSH: The surreal days of 2014 continue with Rush Limbaugh behind the Golden EIB Microphone trying to make sense of all of it and help keep everybody sane, well adjusted, and positively focused. It’s a mean task, meaning it’s a tough task, but if there’s anybody up for it, anybody up to it, it’s me. Happy to have you, folks. Telephone number is 800-282-2882. E-mail address,


This is surreal. Do you know that the PGA of America just gave its distinguished something or other of the year award to Bill Clinton? The guy cheats on the golf course, for one thing, and I’ll tell you how he does it later on. But I mean of all the people, it’s an example of the decline. You ought to see the people on this list. Not very many have ever received this award. People like Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. It’s just one of the many things in the Stack of Stuff today that makes you cock your head and go, “What the hell is happening, and what is going on?”

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