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RUSH: It’s Open Line Friday. We always try to grab a call in the first hour. Rarely in the first half hour, but we’re gonna break the rule. We got Mike in Hoover Heights, Ohio. Great to have you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Man, I tell you, you made my day! Inner city, conservative, hip-hop, starving-artist dittos.

RUSH: (laughing) I love it. Thank you very much.

CALLER: How you doing? I just can’t understand… You know, I did some time in the military, got my GED and all that. I just cannot understand how these Ivy League people from these brilliant colleges classes, they come out and they don’t understand what liberalism does to the country. I mean, I’m considered a high school dropout and I get it! I just don’t understand how they can be so brilliant and yet still be so stupid.

RUSH: Well, hey, let me tell you something. You’re singing one of my favorite songs. It’s why we’ve gotta redefine “smart,” because they may be highly educated, but they’ve been taught a bunch of gibberish. Now, your question actually deserves an answer. It’s why I wanted to take you first, Mike, because it’s a question that has an answer.


RUSH: And it has an answer that makes sense. You’re talking about recent graduates, so you’re talking about people under 25, right?

CALLER: Oh, gosh yeah.

RUSH: Look at what they’ve been taught. They became adults 15, 10 years ago. What was going on 10 years ago? The media and everybody was aligned in ruining George W. Bush. George Bush was the worst guy ever, worst president. War in Iraq was immoral, all of this. They went through the financial crisis. As far as they’re concerned, every problem in this country of us bought and paid for by Republicans. Every one!

That’s their experience. They were taught that in school. They were taught it at the Ivy League. They watched it in the media — both pop culture media and news media — starting at about age 14. They haven’t heard anything else. The Republicans have not had an energized candidate speaking out against what they have been learning.

It makes perfect sense, really, that they would that. They’ve been indoctrinated. They haven’t heard anything else. That’s what they think is normal — and they think that they’re the elite, few, smart, able to fix the country because they’ve been taught by people who have told them that’s who they are.

They’re a pure product of indoctrination, Mike, not education.


RUSH: Our first caller from Ohio, Mike’s question, how can these young Ivy League graduates — see, to him, an Ivy League education means you are among the smartest in the world. And it doesn’t mean that anymore.

In fact, I have a story in the Stack here that’s been building all week of stuff I haven’t gotten to, and it’s quite long, which is one of the reasons I didn’t get to it in the first place. It’s one of these stories, if I started it I would have felt compelled to finish it. It might have taken a half hour, and I don’t know anybody who wants to listen to a half hour on one thing. But it is a story that ran in the New Republic, and it’s really all about the absolute worthlessness of an Ivy League education today because it’s basically nothing more than cookie cutter. The Ivy League is turning out, they’re rubber-stamping little robots.

Now, the New Republic doesn’t have a problem with the fact that there are liberals that are coming out of there. The problem they have is that they’re not teaching critical thinking. They’re teaching obedience, subservience. They’re really creating a bunch of walking, talking liberal robots. They all come out thinking identically. They come out with no critical thinking or curiosity. They come out thinking they know everything. They come out arrogant. Which, by the way, for you Millennials, the more Millennials I see writing little pieces on the Internet about what Republicans have to do to win, I’m beginning to detect a little arrogance in the Millennial population to boot.

You know, the 28 know-it-alls, 28, 30-year-old know-it-alls? But that’s another story. And I’ll get to that at some point, too, when I deem the time right. I know it’s not fair. “What is he talking about, man?” Well, it’s a piece I’ve got here today. I don’t know if I’m gonna have time for it. “Well, then why did you bring it up?” I know. I know. But still, I’m giving you the upshot of it. Consider it bonus material if I give you details, but I’ll give you the upshot. This New Republic piece was critical of an Ivy League education because you can’t tell the difference in ’em.

They all believe the same things. They’re all trained to do the same thing. Go to Washington and become part of the establishment. Become a lobbyist, become a lawyer, become something to do with where the money in the country is. And the easy money is in Washington. Nobody has to work for it. Everybody sends money there. It’s called taxes. The only thing you have to do when you get to Washington is worm your way into the pile and come out with as much as you can. But you don’t have to work for it, per se. I mean, you don’t have to produce it. There’s this thing called the income tax and there’s this thing called the payroll tax and there’s this thing called the corporate tax and there’s this thing called the capital gains tax.

There’s countless thousands of these taxes and it results in trillions of dollars ending up in that town every year. So the Ivy League educates people, trains them, indocrinates them on growing that place, finding their place either in the bureaucracy of an administration or in a think tank or lobbying firm, maybe run for office, what have you, but they’re all trained to believe that Washington’s the center of the universe and that the people that run it are the masters of the universe. That’s where real power is and the power resides in the notion that that place must always grow, Washington must always get bigger, meaning government, and they all come out thinking the same thing.

Now, the caller from Huber Heights in Ohio, he says, “I’m a dropout, I know more than they do,” and he does. In real world, practical, common-sensical terms, also in awareness of just what’s going on around him, I guarantee you that guy probably knows more, has a greater collection of knowledge in his brain than an Ivy League grad has. An Ivy Leage grad may know a lot more than you and me about some obscure topic in women’s studies. There’s a professor — aw, I should have printed this out. It’s in a story about the Minnesota Vikings and their coach Mike Priefer being suspended for two or three games ’cause of what he said about gays overheard by Chris Kluwe.

In the story it quotes a professor who I think teaches at USC at the Annenberg school of media, journalism whatever, USC, and this professor teaches something along the lines of gay and lesbian and transgender issues in television, or something. It’s obscure wacko inapplicable stuff in terms of the real world. But this is the kind of stuff that’s part of the curriculum in all of these highbrow, liberal leftist — (interruption) I’ll find it. Yes, well, I think I can find it. I made a mistake. I didn’t print that out and I meant to. But this is the kind of stuff that that they’re exposed to. They come out and they think of themselves very highly. They’re very, very, very arrogant. They think they’re very special, but in terms of knowing, just things and being able to look at the world with common sense, that’s not taught. Nothing’s taught. It’s all indoctrinated.

Now, add to that, they are anywhere between 22 to 25. We’re talking about undergrads. So 22 to 25. They became adults seven years ago, maybe 15 years ago they were just starting to pay attention, and what were they treated to every day? There hasn’t been a vibrant, energetic, exciting, charismatic conservative in the political world their whole lives. They have never heard conservatism or the principles that went into the founding of the country. They’ve never heard them articulated. They’ve never heard that ideology articulated in an infectious, exciting manner that’s filled with good cheer. All they’ve grown up hearing is Bush this, Bush that, Bush this, Bush that, war count, body count, Iraq war, immoral, America immoral, America sucks, all of that.

That’s what they’ve grown up hearing. And they’ve grown up hearing that all of that is the fault of the Republicans, and it’s in the media every day.
They turn on Jon Stewart and they hear it there. They turn on Comedy Central and they hear it there. They turn on Seinfeld, they hear it there. Whatever they’re watching on their phones, it’s what they hear. That’s all they’ve heard. That’s all they’ve grown up hearing. There’s no way they would think anything else. The only way they would think otherwise is if they’d had parents who have tried to tell them that what they’re learning is BS. But you know kids and parents. How many of ’em are gonna listen to ’em, rebellion being what it is?

So, sadly, it’s understandable why an Ivy League graduate would be a 125% dyed-in-the-wool fully committed leftist. It’s the only cool thing out there. It’s the only hip thing out there. It’s gonna save the world, and it’s gonna save the poor, and it’s gonna save women from the Republican war. They’ve grown up believing this drivel. Sorry, a bunch of radio shows and Fox News are not enough to combat all this. You need a Republican Party made up of exactly these kind of beliefs that’s pushing for this kind of thing and seeking votes, which is a crucial thing, based on these philosophies. And that they have not seen, that they have not heard.

They’ve grown up with a Republican Party scared to death of being conservative. They’ve grown up with a Republican Party that they see trashing conservatives along with the media, the Democrats. So it makes perfect sense, sadly, that they would think what they think. Except they don’t think. They already know. They’ve been indoctrinated.


RUSH: By the way, folks, all of this is again why I decided to write books for children on the truth of American history, the Adventures of Rush Revere series with the talking horse, Liberty — Rush Revere and Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans. We take kids back to actual events and put them there. It’s a fascinating tool.

If I say so myself, it’s a brilliant technique, the time-travel technique where Rush Revere, a substitute teacher, has a talking horse that time travels. He can go anywhere in American history and take students along with an iPhone, videotape it all and come back and teach the class. The kids saw it, were part of the events: The Pilgrims landing, Boston Tea Party, any number of things.

This is exactly why we wrote the books, because of the indoctrination that is taking place. And the indoctrination is coming in the form of teaching kids all that’s wrong with this country, all that’s unjust and immoral about it and how the founding of this country was racist and bigot and all this crap. We’re just trying to counter a little bit of it, because this is too important. It’s not happening in every school system.

I mean, not every school system is lost, but more and more the multicultural curriculum is taking over, and the truth and the greatness and the specialty — the special-ness, the uniqueness — of this country’s being written out. It’s being replaced with versions of American history that are gonna make kids certainly not proud of America, which is the objective.

And after they’ve been taught this over and over, they’re gonna believe it, and they’re gonna think they’re the ones that know the truth and everything else is a pack of lies.

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