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RUSH: This is Kori, Eagle River, Wisconsin. Great to have you. Thank you so much for waiting. Hi.

CALLER: Oh, no problem. Thank you. I’m really nervous to talk to you, but I gotta tell you, first of all, that it’s an honor to talk to you, and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is my favorite time of the day ’cause I get to spend it with you.

RUSH: Well, thank you. Thank you very much.

CALLER: I have a question for you. This weekend I read a short story on Drudge, and it talked about Apple considering moving Jay Carney as their face of PR, and I just wanted to know what you thought about that.

RUSH: Well, I don’t know if it’s true. It’s somewhat confusing. The story first broke, and then a guy — who, once again, happens to be an infallible bible of goings-on at Apple — a blogger by the name of Jim Dalrymple, whose blog is called The Loop. He said, “Nope, not true. Tim Cook has never even met Jay Carney.” So the story went away.

But then two or three days later it surfaced again that Carney is still talking to Apple or vice-versa, and the latest story I saw says that that means it’s up to Carney to decide, as though the job has been offered. Now, normally Dalrymple is wired on this stuff. So I don’t know what the truth of this is. I don’t know if Jay Carney’s putting the rumor out himself. I don’t know. I have no idea about it.

CALLER: Well, I think you should be the spokesperson for Apple because you do a great job explaining the products and making me think that I need to buy an iPad this summer. So I would be discouraged if Carney got the job because I may have to turn in my Apple products.

RUSH: Well, I know how you feel. You know, I hear a bunch of people say, “I can’t believe this. Oh, gee, why Jay Carney? The guy hadn’t told the truth since he started working for Obama! Who’s gonna believe Jay Carney?”

CALLER: Exactly!

RUSH: Oh, I can’t tell you the number of people. I don’t think it matters. He’s just gonna be BS-ing the media, and they’re used to it.

CALLER: Yeah, he’s good at that.

RUSH: But I understand if you’re depressed.

CALLER: I am. I am.

RUSH: I know. I know.

CALLER: You made my day, honestly, taking my phone call. It’s an honor to talk to you. You have no idea. You’ve changed my life, my way of thinking, and my daughter’s life. She’s sitting right next to me in the car while we’re pulled over talking to you.

RUSH: Well, I’m really flattered. I thank you so much. I love making people’s day.

CALLER: You make a world of difference. Thank you so much, Rush.

RUSH: Well, you’re more than welcome. I love making people’s day. I wish everybody knew what that felt like. It happens to me all the time. No, it doesn’t. That’s a really unique compliment, and I really appreciate that, Kori. But I wouldn’t worry about this Jay Carney thing. PR at Apple has always been an invisible thing. I think they do want to change it a bit. The gal they had at PR was the mirror image of Steve Jobs, and they’re trying to make it a little bit friendlier and all that.

But Carney? I understand people who cringe at that.

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