I Feel Your Pain on Student Loans Jul 11, 2014RUSH: Here’s Gordon in Lakeland, Florida. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Thank you for...
My Cochlear Implant and the Bumper Rotation Jul 11, 2014RUSH: This is Lee, Leesburg, Virginia, you are next on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi. CALLER: Hi,...
No ID? No Problemo! Welcome Aboard, Illegals Jul 11, 2014RUSH: “Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid...
Putin Belittles Obama by Praising Israel Jul 11, 2014RUSH: Here is Gary, Culver City, California. You’re next on the EIB-Network, hello.CALLER: Hey,...
Endless Chaos in Obamacare Networks Jul 11, 2014RUSH: Here’s Gus in Houston. Gus, you’re next on Open Line Friday. Hi.CALLER: Rush, great to talk...
After Five and a Half Years, “I Hope He Fails” Remains the Most Memorable Expression of Opposition to Obama Jul 11, 2014RUSH: Your host once again maligned and misrepresented. And, by the way, I need to give you a...
Brownie Gets the Limbaugh Theorem! Jul 11, 2014RUSH: This is Neil Cavuto yesterday afternoon on the Fox News Channel, and he spoke with Mike...
Yes, the Mexican Government is Facilitating the Immigrant Influx from Central America Jul 11, 2014RUSH: You see where the first lady of Guatemala went to visit the US-Mexico border. Well, she went...
We Could Close Everything During the Gov’t Shutdown, But We Can’t Close the Border? Jul 11, 2014RUSH: You remember, ladies and gentlemen, the fuss over the sequester? Real but very small budget...
Obama Isn’t Laughing, He’s Mocking Jul 11, 2014RUSH: Last night I must admit, and I sometimes worry about this, but I don’t watch cable news much...