Lois Lerner Unwittingly Reveals IRS Instant Messaging System Jul 10, 2014RUSH: Lois Lerner has unwittingly revealed that the IRS had an internal instant messaging system...
Grounded Girl Discovers Rush Revere Jul 10, 2014RUSH: This is Maddie in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Nice to have you with us. Great to have you....
Millennials Know Washington Doesn’t Work. But They Still Plan to Vote for Democrats Jul 10, 2014RUSH: Now to this Reason survey on Millennials. It is a survey of 2,000 Americans between the ages...
News Outlets Lie for Obama, Say He Visited Border Jul 10, 2014RUSH: Why should Obama even bother going to the border — when you have a news agency that...
Houston Citizen Bernadette Lancelin Rants Against Obama Border Policy Jul 10, 2014RUSH: Did you see, ladies and gentlemen, have you seen the YouTube video of a furious mother in...
Obama — Who Blasted Bush for Not Doing a Hurricane Katrina Photo-Op — Now Claims He’s Not Interested in Photo-Ops Jul 10, 2014RUSH: I’m almost at a loss in my ability to keep a straight face at this. Obama says that he’s not...
Illegal Aliens Arriving in Obama Shoes Jul 10, 2014RUSH: So, I must confess, I have been tempted to make a joke about something, but I held back. I...