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RUSH: There are some updates with what happened in Mississippi, too, and it was as we thought: There was a black church involved. In violation of the law, in violation of tax-exempt status granted by the IRS, a black church was involved in the election. It’s a famous Democrat raconteur, troublemaker, fundraiser by the name of Mitzi Bickers. The Thad Cochran campaign reached out to a Democrat operative to do all the dirty work. This guy’s name is Henry Barbour. He is a nephew of Haley Barbour.

There was no “outreach.”

There were no Democrats liking what they saw and crossing the aisle.

There was no grand strategy that old Thad came up with that Republicans can now use in every election to attract African-American votes. It was exactly what we thought it was yesterday. It’s just been a little bit more confirmed. Now, CNN, because I gave them so much airtime yesterday, decided to devote another couple of segments with a couple of different guests commenting on me referring to the African-American votes for Thad as “Uncle Toms for Thad.”

They went out and they got conservative blacks, liberal blacks and they all were condemning me, and I’m not gonna play it anymore. I’m not. They did another bunch of segments, knowing I would talk about it, hoping I would. But I’m not going to. Been there; done that. There’s nothing new that was said. They just continue the same old thing. Been there; done that. We’ll move forward with all this. All of you people at CNN who gave the story of me more time today, nobody saw it and nobody is gonna hear about it here, except other than what I just said.


RUSH: “Pro-Cochran PAC Paid Embattled Consultant For ‘Get Out The Vote’ Calls.” Mitzi Bickers is her name. “Bickers is the former head of the Atlanta School Board and a pastor at the city’s Emmanuel Baptist Church.” A church was used illegally to find voters, to place robo-calls, run phamlets all over town in violation of churches and their tax-exempt status being involved in politics. The church knows nobody’s gonna come after ’em. Nothing is gonna happen.

Now, Chris McDaniel is not going away, and he’s saying (paraphrasing), “We’re not demanding a recount. We want the whole thing looked at. These votes were illegal. These votes were cast illegally by people who should not have been voting and we’re not quitting until we track it all down.” Now, Mitzi Bickers is just one person who was used for the pamphlets and for the robo-calls, and she was hired by Henry Barbour who is the nephew of Haley Barbour. So the Republicans hired this Democrat, a Republican, and they paid her 40 grand for this, that’s the story. It’s in The Daily Caller.

National Review Online has a huge story on this by Eliana Johnson. It says here she’s a controversial political consultant. She was paid 44 grand to conduct political phone calls. Henry Barbour, the head of Mississippi Conservatives PAC and the nephew of former “Miss. Gov. Haley Barbour, confirmed for TheDC that the PAC paid Mitzi Bickers ‘to make paid calls to potential Cochran supporters.’ Bickers is the former head of the Atlanta School Board and a pastor at the city’s Emmanuel Baptist Church.

“She is also a political operative who got into trouble last year after she failed to disclose a vast sum of income she earned working on campaigns. Records compiled by the Sunlight Foundation, which tracks political spending, show that Mississippi Conservatives PAC paid two groups operated by Bickers — the Bickers Group and Pirouette Strategies. Pirouette Strategies received $25,000 from the PAC on June 20; the Bickers Group received $19,660 on June 23, according to the Sunlight Foundation’s records.

“Both expenditures went towards ‘GOTV (Get-out-the-vote) phone services.'” So Mitzi Bickers was hired to target black voters, Henry Barbour willingly admits. “The demographic, which leans heavily Democratic, became a key focal point for the PAC and the Cochran campaign after the incumbent lost to McDaniel in the initial June 3 primary by 2,000 votes.”

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