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RUSH: Larry in Summit, Mississippi. Great to have you, sir, on the program. I’m glad you waited.

CALLER: It’s a great honor. I’ve been trying to call for years. I’ve been listening for years. I’m a Tea Party voter. And what Thad Cochran did to get his votes, I’m not only not gonna vote for him, I’m gonna vote for his opponent.

RUSH: You know, we had a call just like you yesterday. We had a guy call here and say, “Rush, I don’t care. I am not — you know, the Republican Party tells us we gotta be loyal and we’ve gotta unify. We gotta join together every time the Tea Party loses. Screw it. Not when they play like this.” We have a guy, Larry from Mississippi, saying that he is gonna vote for the Democrat. And let me tell you something. I totally understand it. What good is Thad Cochran gonna be? At some point these people have to be cleared out.

Now, in voting for the Democrat you could be maintaining Harry Reid in office as the Senate majority leader. It’s possible. For a lot of years people have been using analogies like that. “No, you’ve gotta stay loyal to the party. Otherwise we’re never gonna get rid of Harry Reid.” At some point it’s not just Harry Reid is the problem. I mean, I totally understand. This guy, Chris McDaniel, has been a loyal Republican all of his life, and has had this kind of smear campaign run against him by the party to whom he has been loyal all of his life. The Republican establishment eager to have him defeated might have played a role in ginning up all of these racial voters, the basis that the Tea Party’s racist and so forth.

You know, it’s understandable to me your attitude. Gotta clear the deadweight out of there. And if it means that the Democrats hold power for a little longer, so be it. But this has gotten serious to a lot of people, this kind of thing. If you take a look at what happened on the ground in Mississippi on Tuesday, conservatives won the primary. More Republicans voted for McDaniel than Cochran in the runoff. If it hadn’t been for the eight or nine percent of the vote that was African-American voting for old Thad, Thad would not have won. The Republican Party Tea Party candidate would have.

Yet the RINOs are running around claiming they crushed the Tea Party when the truth is they lost the party. They won the election and they lost the party. In a Republican primary, the Republican victor needed Democrat votes to win. And in order to pull that off, the Republican majority, or the RINOs, resorted to race-baiting. Now, who wants to be part of that future, if that’s what the future of the Republican Party is? So, Larry, I understand where you’re coming from.


RUSH: Here is Jeremy in Gulfport, Mississippi. It’s great to have you on the program. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Good to be on the show, Rush. I was just calling, I don’t think that this was an effort to increase the base for the Republican Party because these are voters that aren’t gonna vote for Cochran in the general election. This is more of a means to an end by the establishment Republicans —

RUSH: Well, now, wait, wait, wait, wait. That’s what you might think, but the Republican establishment and the media, Jeremy, are telling us that a threshold has been crossed and that these voters may indeed now vote for Thad, because this was real, this wasn’t the result of trickery. This was real. Thad found a way to reach out and grab these people and convince ’em he was a good guy, the Republican Party’s great, and they really liked him and hated the Tea Party.

CALLER: Rush, you’d be impressed by the number of lifelong Democratic supporters that had Thad signs in their yards and I can guarantee you it wasn’t because they are gonna start supporting the Republican Party. To me, I see this was a means to an end by the establishment Republicans to ensure that Cochran got elected, because I don’t see Cochran finishing out a full term, and this will allow them to handpick the person to succeed Cochran. And I think that McDaniel posed a threat because he’s not somebody that’s gonna go along with the Republican guard —

RUSH: Oh, absolutely. I mean, there’s no question you’re right, all these “Democrats for Thad” signs in their yards. Here’s the thing. You answer this for me, Jeremy. The Republican Party is hell-bent on broadening its base and reaching out and getting new voters. Why doesn’t it want to reach out to its conservative base? Why doesn’t the Republican Party want to reach out and expand its reach by getting its own voters? Half the country says they are conservative. Why doesn’t the GOP try going after them? That’s what Reagan did.

CALLER: Right. I don’t know the answer to that, Rush. You know, I think that this election at the end of the day is going to disenfranchise those conservative Republicans from this election. You know, it’s got me questioning my vote, and from the previous caller from Mississippi, I’m not quite decided yet what I’m gonna do in the general, you know, because I do see the consequences of losing the seat. But, you know, at the end of the day it makes you question where you stand as a conservative in the current Republican Party.

RUSH: I totally understand. When you say you feel like you are being disenfranchised, I totally understand what you mean. You are the third caller in last two days, yesterday and today — well, the first two vowed to vote for the Democrat in the general. You’re on the fence. But you’re all saying the same thing. You’re advancing the same reasons for it and it basically is that your own party is telling you they don’t want your vote. Your own party is telling you they don’t want you even in the party. And so, why should you be loyal to that? I totally understand how people in Mississippi would be feeling about this, especially when, as you pointed out, that all of this was a trumped-up, phony turnout. I mean, it was real, but it was driven by lies and deceit and the usual tactics that the left employs on Republicans.

What sets this one apart is that Republicans adopted those same tactics that the left uses. But again, I can’t stress this enough. If you look at just the votes within the Republican Party, conservatives won. More Republicans voted for Chris McDaniel than voted for old Thad. And if you just look at the Republican voter universe, the Tea Party crushed the RINOs. The RINOs are running around all happy, beating their chest, “Look what we did! We vanquished the Tea Party candidate. We creamed ’em. We crushed ’em.” They lost the party. The Republican Party, if you listen to these three callers and say they represent millions, or tens of thousands, at least, in Mississippi, the Republican Party may have lost the party in Mississippi. That’s the fire they’re playing with here. Jeremy, I appreciate it.

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