Quick Hits Page Jun 12, 2014Fox Poll: Obamacare Still UnpopularRUSH: Fox News has got a story they’re running right now that a...
Pearls of Wisdom Jun 12, 2014“Ideas and substance have consequences, and you reacted to that in the Cantor race. You...
Morning Update: Tenure Jun 12, 2014Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu has thrown a monkey wrench into the gears of...
Final Hours to Win Trip from Two If By Tea Jun 12, 2014RUSH: Folks, it’s the last day to remind you. This is one of the greatest TwoIfByTea.com...
Benghazi Terrorists Used State Department Cell Phones? Jun 12, 2014RUSH: The terrorists who attacked the US consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi were using State...
Virginia Voters on Cantor and Brat Jun 12, 2014RUSH: Okay, Mary in Richmond, Virginia. Hi. We’ve had a lot of Virginia people the last couple...
The Hillary Myth Jun 12, 2014RUSH: There’s a story here about Mrs. Clinton. I had it down in this Stack because I’d planned on...
Ignorant Media Credits Me for Brat Victory — But My Success is Not Determined by Who Wins Elections Jun 12, 2014RUSH: Even when I don’t say anything, I get credit for it. Even when I don’t do anything, I get...
Could Obama Issue a Blanket Pardon for Illegal Immigrants? Jun 12, 2014RUSH: Yesterday, you might remember me mentioning that sometime before the program started, the...
Obama Happily Hands Iraq and Afghanistan to Al-Qaeda to Discredit George W. Bush Jun 12, 2014RUSH: The New York Times has a story today that the prime minister is refusing to send any...