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RUSH: It’s time for the big summertime tea season Two If By Tea sweepstakes. And we really love doing these sweepstakes. It gives us the opportunity to share exciting, unique, once-in-a-lifetime experiences with people like you who support an outstanding cause, the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.

Kathryn and I, we really look forward when it’s time to call the winners. We gather in my library. We get the phone, we put in a special code that blocks our number, and then we dial them. Well, we can’t have our number out there. Oftentimes people don’t answer the phone, they see it’s blocked. So we then leave the message and tell them that they have won, all the while knowing that if they could pick up the phone they would, and they’re regretting that they didn’t pick it up. But we’re always nice ’cause we have that kind of empathy. We call ’em back and give ’em a chance.

And even those who do pick up the phone and we tell ’em they’ve won, the excitement is really genuine. That’s the great thing about it. They’re all just thrilled to hear that they’ve won, especially from us. And we offer to call ’em back and leave a message on their voice mail machine so they can prove to other people that they actually talked to us ’cause we know that when they tell people they talked to me and Kathryn, they’re not gonna believe ’em. So we prove it for them. So it’s always a lot of fun.

So here we go. The latest and greatest Two If By Tea sweepstakes is on. It’s today and tomorrow. It’s just two days, folks. You have to act by 11:59 p.m. Pacific, tomorrow, so it would be close to three a.m. Eastern time Thursday night, Friday morning. And here’s the deal. You have a chance to win an expense-paid trip for two people to one of my favorite places to unwind, Honolulu, Hawaii, and you really do unwind in Hawaii. At least you have the chance to. It’s one of the perfect places to go to forget everything. And we do everything top drawer all the way.

We will take care of all the details for you so you just have to sit back and enjoy a well-deserved vacation on us. We will arrange five days. You know how most sweepstakes, three days, two nights, and it takes you half a year to get where you’re going. We understand that, so ours is a full five days, four nights, in paradise, for you. And it’s not in a motel. Nothing wrong with motels. But we put you in a luxury hotel, round trip airfare. We pay for your meals and we give you spending cash for the time you are there. We do not want any prize that we offer to cost anybody any money. And we do not slouch. (interruption) Well, if you want to go, you’re paying. (interruption) You want to go with the winners? (laughing)

Snerdley says he wants to go. Well, then you pay. But for the winners — we really do. We don’t want anybody to have to pay for anything because they’ve won a prize or a sweepstakes from us. Now, here’s the thing. Maybe you’ve been to Hawaii. Maybe you don’t want to go to Hawaii. No big deal. We have you covered. We will send you and a family member or a guest anywhere in the 50 United States, same deal applies, any state. Luxury hotel, five days, round trip airfare, meals, spending money while you’re on the ground. We don’t slouch. If it isn’t Hawaii, pick anyplace you want to go in the 50 states.

In addition to that, those two grand prize trips, we are honoring our 50 American states by offering 50 additional prizes starting at a $400 value. So you will not be let down. Fifty additional prizes starting at $400 value. Here’s all you have to do to be entered for the chance to win. And of course the big thing is getting that phone call from us telling you you’ve won. Just go to TwoIfByTea.com right now and shop for the best, most patriotic tea in America, and you’re automatically entered to win. That’s it.

All the official rules are posted right there. Prices have been reduced for this special sweepstakes. They’re already bare bones, and we already do free shipping. Now we’ve reduced the price even more. All you have to do is go to TwoIfByTea.com right now between now and 11:59 p.m. Pacific, tomorrow night, Thursday night, and you’re automatically entered to win. And the tea, of course, it’s while supplies last, ’cause it goes big during our sweepstakes.

Two If By Tea remains a proud sponsor of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, providing awareness, financial support to this superb charity, which provides college scholarships for the children of Marines killed in action.

So just to summarize: It’s the big summertime tea season sweepstakes from Two If By Tea, grand prize winner is gonna go Hawaii, five days, four nights, luxury hotel, first-class accommodations, round-trip airfare, spending money on the ground. If it’s not Hawaii, you pick where you want to go, anywhere in the 50 states. In addition, 50 additional prizes starting at a $400 value. You just have to go to TwoIfByTea.com right now and shop.

By the way, there’s an added benefit here. It is the best iced tea in this country. It is. You will love it, if you haven’t had it before. If you’ve had it before you know exactly what it is that I’m talking about. So that’s it. You’ve got ’til 11:59 p.m. Pacific on Thursday to be entered, shopping at TwoIfByTea.com.


RUSH: I have to clarify something on the Two If By Tea sweepstakes, ’cause I wasn’t clear about this. There are two grand prize winners, not one. So there are two trips to Hawaii, five days, four nights, or anywhere else in the 50 states you want to go. I wanted to make sure, ’cause there’s two grand prize trips, and then 50 additional prizes. (interruption) No, we’re limiting the winners to the 50 states in the United States, not the 57 states that Obama thinks there are. ‘Cause I don’t know where the other seven are, and I don’t want to get into maybe sending people there.

Thursday night, tomorrow night, 11:59 p.m. Pacific tomorrow night. But I wasn’t clear about this. There are two grand prize winners, so a total of two couples, i.e., four people. So it’s five days, four nights in Hawaii with everything covered including on-the-ground spending money. Or, if you don’t want to go there, pick your spot. And, by the way, whenever you can make it. It’s not that we have contracted for rooms at a super special rate like over Christmas and you have to go then. It’s not that. We don’t do it that way. You pick when you want to go, and then we make it work. So all you gotta do is go to TwoIfByTea.com and shop, and you’re automatically entered.

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