Senator Sessions: The President is Purposely Collapsing the Legal System Apr 11, 2014RUSH: Jeff Sessions, the great senator from Alabama, Jeff Sessions said yesterday that Americans...
The Pilgrims Tried Socialism and It Failed Apr 11, 2014RUSH: Here is Joanne in Eldridge, Iowa. Great to have you. Thank you for waiting. Hello.CALLER:...
Mom Reads Rush Revere to 3rd Grade Class Apr 11, 2014RUSH: Here’s Jennifer in Naples, Florida. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Happy Friday,...
Subsidy Means Your Neighbor Pays for You Apr 11, 2014RUSH: I’ve been holding this story since I found it on February 19th. It’s from a website called...
The EIB Audience Continues to Inspire Apr 11, 2014RUSH: I just heard that Donald Trump was driving around, folks, and listening to the program. He...
Could Rush Revere Travel to the Future? Apr 11, 2014RUSH: Don in Lake Ronkonkoma in New York. Hello.CALLER: Hey. Mega dittos, Rush. Great to talk to...
Chatsworth Osborne Jr’s Theory on Obama’s New HHS Nominee Apr 11, 2014RUSH: Kathleen Sebelius is out, and they had this big ceremony at the White House, and the...
Your Host Kicks Off the 24th Annual Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Cure-A-Thon with a $500,000 Donation Apr 11, 2014RUSH: I want to give you another phone number and remind you of a Web address. This is our 24th...